Got 1st break in Point Studio 1982, as tea boy Mostly known as producer/programmer 1. 1985-1989 Work with Coil, Psychic TV, etc and various others at Point and Paradise Studios 2. 1989-1992 Get involved in British rave, work on hundreds of things, put the Jew's harp into Adamski's Killer while remixing/programming the 12", also spend 7 months in Madrid producing Fangoria (a band at the forefront a movement in Spain known as Movida, which sprung up after Francos death, in this movement are various notaries as Pedro Almadova). Write and co-prod/program L.S.D. with Coil including the singles Snow, Windowpane and everything else released that year by them. I remixed Cicciolina for PWEI with the guys from Renegade Soundwave, but I was never in the band. 3. 1992-1994 Various writings with the Coil boys, remix Depeche Mode, N.I.N., write for Derek Jarman's film Blue. 4. 1994-1998 Form own project Sub Sonic Commune, remix, produce, write on NIN bits, Coil bits, Pulkas, Amar album, also do post-prod reworkings of some Black Light District pieces for the album (Stoned Circular I + II amongst others), go to New Orleans with Coil to work on album for them, also spend a year or two on Own Project Sub Sonic Commune, project consumes all my time, leads me to hang out with publishers etc., never a great move for creativity. In semi-retirement since 1998 due to protracted grief with publishing company re: monies owed. At the moment (April, 2002) doing some little things once again with Coil, starting to get reinvigorated. |