> i, thighpaulsandra

- Lycraland
- The Angelica Declaration
- Optical Black - [MP3]
- Abuse foundation IV - [MP3]
- Michel Publicity Window*
- Terrible - [MP3]
- We, The Descending
- Limping Across The Sky
- Home Butt Club - [MP3]
- Celine and Julie Go Boating
- Beneath the Frozen lake Of Stars*
Eskaton 26 CD/LP
*CD only tracks
Released January 22nd, 2001 on double CD and double gatefold LP (limited to 1000 numbered copies in milk white vinyl). There are also 50 amethyst vinyl copies for friends and collectors.
(£12.00 UKP 2xCD)
(£15.00 UKP 2xLP)
From the release notes: "An astounding voyage through the labyrinthine mind of Thighpaulsandra. At once surreal, organic, and sublime, Thighpaulsandra presents an elastic, canine and corrupt sonic assault challenging convention and expectation. Presented as a double CD & vinyl LP, Thighpaulsandra draws on his many associates in Spiritualized, Coil & the Julian Cope group and his vast experience in electro-acoustic and improvised music to reveal this extraordinary listening experience."
Independent (26.01.01): "It's a fantastic record, in all senses of the word.."
NME(17.02.01): "In parts it's stunning enough.."
The Independent 26 January 2001
"Wizard 's Robe, mini-Mohawk tonsure, wand-youd never guess from the album sleeve that Thighpausandra
was a mate of Julian Cope's , now would you?
The man whose name contains not just male a female principles but the upper-leg principle, too, is helped
out by Cope on this debut double-album, along with fellow members of Coil and Spiritualized, his other main musical outlets. It's a fantastic Record, in
all senses of the word, packed with cosmic synth-scapes, prodigiuos Krautrock Riffing and a courageous
strain of art-rock improvisation that miraculously steers clear of longueurs. For all of its experimental
leanings, it is articulate and approachable-whether hammering away at a 10-league-boot feedback stomp
like "Home Butt Club" or sticking a French horn through a ring modulator on "Celine And Julie Go Boating",
Thighpaulandra strives to avoid the solipisistic tendencies of much improvised music. Indeed, the best pieces
aren't shamed by comparisons with such illustrious influences as Zappa (the clarinet and furtive strings of
"Abuse Foundation IV") and Sun Ra (the organ overload of "Lycraland"), while the baritone saxaphone and
marimba of "The Angelica Declaration" combine to conjure up the mutant Jazz of the whole Pop Group/Pigbag
Bristol boho-punk scene."
NME 17 February 2001-edited review
" 'I Thighpaulsandra' is two cd's and over two hours of surreal, menacing, semi-improvised noise... In parts
it's stunning enough 'Beneath the Frozen Lake of Stars' is what music would have sounded like if Gong had
won World War Two instead of the allies-and even on bits when he disappears down a blind alley you can
marvel at the sheer, glassy-eyed, hugeness of it all.
You could ask him to edit it down, you could ask him to write more tunes, but what's the point? 'I
Thighpaulsandra defies rock 'n' roll and convention while defying your patience. It comes from another
planet, Er, baby" 6 out of 10
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