1984 12 BE L.A.Y.L.A.H. Antirecords LAY8
Black vinyl copies in regular sleeve
First pressing
Picture labels
First pressing
Picture labels
Track Listing
Side 1
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape
- From Broken Cross, Locusts
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody [RS-111]
Vinyl Etchings
John Murphy
Nick Rogers
Sleeve Notes
Tibet 93
John Murphy
Steven Stapleton
Nick Rogers
John Murphy
Steven Stapleton
Nick Rogers
Other Images
1985 est. CS UK Mi-Mort MM6
In regular casssette case
Track Listing
Side A
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape
- Christ's First Howling
- Fields of Rape
- From Broken Cross, Locusts
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody [RS-111]
- I'm The One
John Murphy
Nick Rogers
Diana Rogerson
Isidore Ducasse
Tathata Wallis
Steve Ignorant
1988 12 BE L.A.Y.L.A.H. Antirecords LAY8
Black vinyl copies in regular sleeve
Second pressing
Different insert
Tracklisting labels
Second pressing
Different insert
Tracklisting labels
Track Listing
Side 1
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape
- From Broken Cross, Locusts
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody [RS-111]
Vinyl Etchings
John Murphy
Nick Rogers
Sleeve Notes
Tibet 93
John Murphy
Steven Stapleton
Nick Rogers
John Murphy
Steven Stapleton
Nick Rogers
1988 CD BE L.A.Y.L.A.H. Antirecords LAYCD8
In jewel case
Track Listing
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked (3:08)
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape (14:49)
- From Broken Cross, Locusts (6:12)
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept) (14:02)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody (2:23) [RS-111]
John Murphy
Nick Rogers
Diana Rogerson
Isidore Ducasse
Tathata Wallis
Steve Ignorant
Sleeve Notes
93 Current 93
Steven Stapleton - Tibet 93 - John Murphy - Nicholas Rogers - Crystale - Igs - Isidore Ducasse - Tathata Louise Aisling Wallis - Steve Ignorant
Dogs Blood Order was recorded at Shinju and IPS Studios, with the exception of Raio No Terrasu which was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on November 25 1983, on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading. Our thanks to all those who have helped, either directly or indirectly through their friendship - Annie Anxiety, Coil, Crass, Flux of Pink Indians, vagina Dentata Organ, William Bennett, Fritz Häaman, John Fothergill, Josianne, HÖH, James Low, Tony Wakeford. Our thanks once more, to the marvellous Babe Santini for he beautiful artwork on the cover, to Fiona Burr for the photographs, and to Marc Monin of L.A.Y.L.A.H., without whom none of this work would have been possible.
As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and reaping time has come.
"All goes onward and outward,
Nothing collapses,
And to die is different from
What anyone supposes,
And luckier."
Walt Whitman
The Mast Of A Ship / Nakedness / Leader Of Horse / To Shed / Female Breast / To Trample Down / An Ass / A Furnace / Godlike / Piercing / Binding / Bitter / Cleaving Asunder / Bones Wound Together / In Paleness / Breaking / Rending / Abiding In A Place / Tending Unto Nothingness / Dampness Tending Unto Corruption / Immersions In Trembling / To Drag Down / Unto Horror / Dust / Calm / Whirling / Sublime Circumcision / Solitude / Desolation / Goat Herd / Grinding To Powder / Withering / Fading / Reaping Hook / Earth Thrown Up / Or Fresh Turned / Mountain Cast Down / Winnowing With Fury / Thy Breaking / They Who Shriek / With / A / Long / Drwan / Cry / The Silent Lion / Trembling / Thy Barrenness / The Destroyer Of Day / Death Of Flesh / The Movers With A Creeping Motion / Destroyers By Stifling / Smoky Breath / The Pain Bringers / The Flesh Unclothed / They Who Move With A Backward Motion / Glistening Horribly / Like An Insect / Quivering In A Horrible Manner / Misleaders / Omnia In Unòs / Duo In Unam / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est /
Steven Stapleton - Tibet 93 - John Murphy - Nicholas Rogers - Crystale - Igs - Isidore Ducasse - Tathata Louise Aisling Wallis - Steve Ignorant
Dogs Blood Order was recorded at Shinju and IPS Studios, with the exception of Raio No Terrasu which was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on November 25 1983, on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading. Our thanks to all those who have helped, either directly or indirectly through their friendship - Annie Anxiety, Coil, Crass, Flux of Pink Indians, vagina Dentata Organ, William Bennett, Fritz Häaman, John Fothergill, Josianne, HÖH, James Low, Tony Wakeford. Our thanks once more, to the marvellous Babe Santini for he beautiful artwork on the cover, to Fiona Burr for the photographs, and to Marc Monin of L.A.Y.L.A.H., without whom none of this work would have been possible.
As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and reaping time has come.
"All goes onward and outward,
Nothing collapses,
And to die is different from
What anyone supposes,
And luckier."
Walt Whitman
The Mast Of A Ship / Nakedness / Leader Of Horse / To Shed / Female Breast / To Trample Down / An Ass / A Furnace / Godlike / Piercing / Binding / Bitter / Cleaving Asunder / Bones Wound Together / In Paleness / Breaking / Rending / Abiding In A Place / Tending Unto Nothingness / Dampness Tending Unto Corruption / Immersions In Trembling / To Drag Down / Unto Horror / Dust / Calm / Whirling / Sublime Circumcision / Solitude / Desolation / Goat Herd / Grinding To Powder / Withering / Fading / Reaping Hook / Earth Thrown Up / Or Fresh Turned / Mountain Cast Down / Winnowing With Fury / Thy Breaking / They Who Shriek / With / A / Long / Drwan / Cry / The Silent Lion / Trembling / Thy Barrenness / The Destroyer Of Day / Death Of Flesh / The Movers With A Creeping Motion / Destroyers By Stifling / Smoky Breath / The Pain Bringers / The Flesh Unclothed / They Who Move With A Backward Motion / Glistening Horribly / Like An Insect / Quivering In A Horrible Manner / Misleaders / Omnia In Unòs / Duo In Unam / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est /
1995 CD UK Durtro DURTRO027CD
In jewel case
Track Listing
- Christus Christus (The Shells Have Cracked) (3:03)
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape (14:40)
- From Broken Cross, Locusts (6:04)
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept) (13:56)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody (2:20) [RS-111]
- Dogs Blood Rising (4:58)
John Murphy
Nick Rogers
Diana Rogerson
Steve Ignorant
Tathata Wallis
Christ 777
Sleeve Notes
Lyrics: David Tibet; Steven Ignorant; Igs; Tathata Louise Aisling and traditional
We see the decay of the angel the march to the end is in order human life is limited.
93 Current 93 in 1984 we then arose as dogs over carrion: Tibet 93; Steven Stapleton; John Murphy; Nicholas Rogers; Crystale Belle Scrodd; Steven Ignorant; Isidore Ducasse; Igs; Tathata Louise Aisling; Christ 777. They, alas, have returned as a dog to his vomit. Thanks to Douglas P. who was already amongst us, and to John Balance.
Tracks I, II and III were mixed by Steven Stapleton; tracks IV and V by Nicholas Rogers with Steven Stapleton; and track VI by Steven Stapleton, Nicholas Rogers, Denis Blackham and David Tibet. Track IV was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on Novemeber 25, 1983 on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading. Why it should have been recorded on such a date I no longer neither know nor care. We return to our earth.
All tracks by Current 93, except track V: traditional / arr. Current 93, and track VI by Current 93 / Blackham. All lyrics by David Tibet except where noted.
Pace T.S. Elliott and Sylvia Plath.
All tracks David Tibet / Current 93.
Cover artwork by Babs Santini. Inlay: detail from the Rule of AntiChrist 1499-1504) by Luca Signorelli. He is near, at the door. All photographs by Fiona Alison Burr, except for that of Steven Stapleton which was taken by Oi Mel whilst Steven smoked with Guru Guru. O tempora, o mores. Mastered by Denis at Porky's
Current 93: Very Voice of Very God
The Mast Of A Ship / Nakedness / Leader Of Horse / To Shed / Female Breast / To Trample Down / An Ass / A Furnace / Godlike / Piercing / Binding / Bitter / Cleaving Asunder / Bones Wound Together / In Paleness / Breaking / Rending / Abiding In A Place / Tending Unto Nothingness / Dampness Tending Unto Corruption / Immersions In Trembling / To Drag Down / Unto Horror / Dust / Calm / Whirling / Sublime Circumcision / Solitude / Desolation / Goat Herd / Grinding To Powder / Withering / Fading / Reaping Hook / Earth Thrown Up / Or Fresh Turned / Mountain Cast Down / Winnowing With Fury / Thy Breaking / They Who Shriek / With / A / Long / Drawn / Cry / The Silent Lion / Trembling / Thy Bareness / The Destroyer Of Day / Death Of Flesh / The Movers With A Creeping Motion / Destroyers By Stifling / Smoky Breath / The Pain Bringers / The Flesh Unclothed / They Who Move With A Backward Motion / Glistening Horribly / Like An Insect / Quivering In A Horrible Manner / Misleaders / Omnia In Unos / Duo In Unam / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil
We see the decay of the angel the march to the end is in order human life is limited.
93 Current 93 in 1984 we then arose as dogs over carrion: Tibet 93; Steven Stapleton; John Murphy; Nicholas Rogers; Crystale Belle Scrodd; Steven Ignorant; Isidore Ducasse; Igs; Tathata Louise Aisling; Christ 777. They, alas, have returned as a dog to his vomit. Thanks to Douglas P. who was already amongst us, and to John Balance.
Tracks I, II and III were mixed by Steven Stapleton; tracks IV and V by Nicholas Rogers with Steven Stapleton; and track VI by Steven Stapleton, Nicholas Rogers, Denis Blackham and David Tibet. Track IV was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on Novemeber 25, 1983 on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading. Why it should have been recorded on such a date I no longer neither know nor care. We return to our earth.
All tracks by Current 93, except track V: traditional / arr. Current 93, and track VI by Current 93 / Blackham. All lyrics by David Tibet except where noted.
Pace T.S. Elliott and Sylvia Plath.
All tracks David Tibet / Current 93.
Cover artwork by Babs Santini. Inlay: detail from the Rule of AntiChrist 1499-1504) by Luca Signorelli. He is near, at the door. All photographs by Fiona Alison Burr, except for that of Steven Stapleton which was taken by Oi Mel whilst Steven smoked with Guru Guru. O tempora, o mores. Mastered by Denis at Porky's
Current 93: Very Voice of Very God
The Mast Of A Ship / Nakedness / Leader Of Horse / To Shed / Female Breast / To Trample Down / An Ass / A Furnace / Godlike / Piercing / Binding / Bitter / Cleaving Asunder / Bones Wound Together / In Paleness / Breaking / Rending / Abiding In A Place / Tending Unto Nothingness / Dampness Tending Unto Corruption / Immersions In Trembling / To Drag Down / Unto Horror / Dust / Calm / Whirling / Sublime Circumcision / Solitude / Desolation / Goat Herd / Grinding To Powder / Withering / Fading / Reaping Hook / Earth Thrown Up / Or Fresh Turned / Mountain Cast Down / Winnowing With Fury / Thy Breaking / They Who Shriek / With / A / Long / Drawn / Cry / The Silent Lion / Trembling / Thy Bareness / The Destroyer Of Day / Death Of Flesh / The Movers With A Creeping Motion / Destroyers By Stifling / Smoky Breath / The Pain Bringers / The Flesh Unclothed / They Who Move With A Backward Motion / Glistening Horribly / Like An Insect / Quivering In A Horrible Manner / Misleaders / Omnia In Unos / Duo In Unam / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil
2008 September 12 UK Durtro Jnana DURTRO JNANA LP 95
Black vinyl copies in regular sleeve
"Reaping Time Has Come" facsimile poster
LAYLAH insert facsimile
"Reaping Time Has Come" facsimile poster
LAYLAH insert facsimile
2008 September 12 UK Durtro Jnana DURTRO JNANA LP 95
Red vinyl copies in regular sleeve
"Reaping Time Has Come" facsimile poster
LAYLAH insert facsimile
"Reaping Time Has Come" facsimile poster
LAYLAH insert facsimile
Track Listing
Side 1
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape
- From Broken Cross, Locusts
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody [RS-111]
Vinyl Etchings
John Murphy
Nick Rogers
Sleeve Notes
From Insert:
DOGS BLOOD RISING was recorded at Shinju and IPS studios, with the exception of RAIO NO TERRASU (JESUS WEPT) which was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on November 25 1983, on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading.
Our thanks to all those who have helped, either directly or indirectly through their friendship-Annie Anxiety, Coil, Crass, D&V, Flux Of Pink Indians, Vagina Dentata Organ, David Kenny, William, Fritz Haaman, Last Few Days, Tracy Miller, Jo Crilly Fiona Burr, John Fothergill, Brian and Tracy Lustmord.
Our thanks, once more, to the marvellous Babs Santini for her beautiful artwork on the cover, to Fiona Burr for the photographs, and to Mark Hirsig of L.A.Y.L.A.H., without whom none of this would have been possible.
The Mast Of A Ship/Nakedness/Leader Of Horse/To Shed/Female Breast/To Trample Down/An Ass/A Furnace/Godlike/Piercing/Binding/Bitter/Cleaving Asunder/Bones Wound Together/In Paleness/Breaking/Rending/Abiding In A Place/Tending Unto Nothingness/Dampness Tending Unto Corruption/Immersions In Trembling/To Drag Down/Unto Horror/Dust/Calm/Whirling/Sublime Circumcision/Solitude/Desolation/Goat Herd/Grinding To Powder/Withering/Fading/Reaping Hook/Earth Thrown Up/Or Fresh Turned/Mountain Cast Down/Winnowing With Fury/Thy Breaking/They Who Shriek/With/A/Long/Drawn/Cry/The Silent Lion/Trembling/Thy Barrenness/The Destroyer Of Day/Death Of Flesh/The Movers With A Creeping Motion/Destroyers By Stifling/Smoky Breath/The Pain Bringers/The Flesh Unclothed/They Who Move With A Backward Motion/Glistening Horribly/Like An Insect/Quivering In A Horrible Manner/Misleaders/Omnia In Unòs/Duo In Unam/Nihil Est/Nihil Est/Nihil Est/Nihil Est/Nihil Est/
DOGS BLOOD RISING was recorded at Shinju and IPS studios, with the exception of RAIO NO TERRASU (JESUS WEPT) which was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on November 25 1983, on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading.
Our thanks to all those who have helped, either directly or indirectly through their friendship-Annie Anxiety, Coil, Crass, D&V, Flux Of Pink Indians, Vagina Dentata Organ, David Kenny, William, Fritz Haaman, Last Few Days, Tracy Miller, Jo Crilly Fiona Burr, John Fothergill, Brian and Tracy Lustmord.
Our thanks, once more, to the marvellous Babs Santini for her beautiful artwork on the cover, to Fiona Burr for the photographs, and to Mark Hirsig of L.A.Y.L.A.H., without whom none of this would have been possible.
The Mast Of A Ship/Nakedness/Leader Of Horse/To Shed/Female Breast/To Trample Down/An Ass/A Furnace/Godlike/Piercing/Binding/Bitter/Cleaving Asunder/Bones Wound Together/In Paleness/Breaking/Rending/Abiding In A Place/Tending Unto Nothingness/Dampness Tending Unto Corruption/Immersions In Trembling/To Drag Down/Unto Horror/Dust/Calm/Whirling/Sublime Circumcision/Solitude/Desolation/Goat Herd/Grinding To Powder/Withering/Fading/Reaping Hook/Earth Thrown Up/Or Fresh Turned/Mountain Cast Down/Winnowing With Fury/Thy Breaking/They Who Shriek/With/A/Long/Drawn/Cry/The Silent Lion/Trembling/Thy Barrenness/The Destroyer Of Day/Death Of Flesh/The Movers With A Creeping Motion/Destroyers By Stifling/Smoky Breath/The Pain Bringers/The Flesh Unclothed/They Who Move With A Backward Motion/Glistening Horribly/Like An Insect/Quivering In A Horrible Manner/Misleaders/Omnia In Unòs/Duo In Unam/Nihil Est/Nihil Est/Nihil Est/Nihil Est/Nihil Est/
Other Images
2008 March CD CA Durtro Jnana DURTRO JNANA 95
In jewel case
First 1000 copies come with Andrew Liles remix CD
First 1000 copies come with Andrew Liles remix CD
2008 September mp3 & flac UK Durtro
Track Listing
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked (3:03)
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape (14:41)
- From Broken Cross, Locusts (6:04)
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept) (13:57)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody (2:22) [RS-111]
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked (3:46)
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape (14:08)
- From Broken Cross, Locusts (5:43)
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept) (9:32)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody (6:30)
John Murphy
Nick Rogers
Diana Rogerson
Isidore Ducasse
Tathata Wallis
Steve Ignorant
Sleeve Notes
93 Current 93
Steven Stapleton - Tibet 93 - John Murphy - Nicholas Rogers - Crystale - Igs - Isidore Ducasse - Tathata Louise Aisling Wallis - Steve Ignorant
Dogs Blood Order was recorded at Shinju and IPS Studios, with the exception of Raio No Terrasu which was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on November 25 1983, on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading. Our thanks to all those who have helped, either directly or indirectly through their friendship - Annie Anxiety, Coil, Crass, Flux of Pink Indians, vagina Dentata Organ, William Bennett, Fritz Häaman, John Fothergill, Josianne, HÖH, James Low, Tony Wakeford. Our thanks once more, to the marvellous Babe Santini for he beautiful artwork on the cover, to Fiona Burr for the photographs, and to Marc Monin of L.A.Y.L.A.H., without whom none of this work would have been possible.
As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and reaping time has come.
"All goes onward and outward,
Nothing collapses,
And to die is different from
What anyone supposes,
And luckier."
Walt Whitman
The Mast Of A Ship / Nakedness / Leader Of Horse / To Shed / Female Breast / To Trample Down / An Ass / A Furnace / Godlike / Piercing / Binding / Bitter / Cleaving Asunder / Bones Wound Together / In Paleness / Breaking / Rending / Abiding In A Place / Tending Unto Nothingness / Dampness Tending Unto Corruption / Immersions In Trembling / To Drag Down / Unto Horror / Dust / Calm / Whirling / Sublime Circumcision / Solitude / Desolation / Goat Herd / Grinding To Powder / Withering / Fading / Reaping Hook / Earth Thrown Up / Or Fresh Turned / Mountain Cast Down / Winnowing With Fury / Thy Breaking / They Who Shriek / With / A / Long / Drwan / Cry / The Silent Lion / Trembling / Thy Barrenness / The Destroyer Of Day / Death Of Flesh / The Movers With A Creeping Motion / Destroyers By Stifling / Smoky Breath / The Pain Bringers / The Flesh Unclothed / They Who Move With A Backward Motion / Glistening Horribly / Like An Insect / Quivering In A Horrible Manner / Misleaders / Omnia In Unòs / Duo In Unam / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est /
Steven Stapleton - Tibet 93 - John Murphy - Nicholas Rogers - Crystale - Igs - Isidore Ducasse - Tathata Louise Aisling Wallis - Steve Ignorant
Dogs Blood Order was recorded at Shinju and IPS Studios, with the exception of Raio No Terrasu which was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on November 25 1983, on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading. Our thanks to all those who have helped, either directly or indirectly through their friendship - Annie Anxiety, Coil, Crass, Flux of Pink Indians, vagina Dentata Organ, William Bennett, Fritz Häaman, John Fothergill, Josianne, HÖH, James Low, Tony Wakeford. Our thanks once more, to the marvellous Babe Santini for he beautiful artwork on the cover, to Fiona Burr for the photographs, and to Marc Monin of L.A.Y.L.A.H., without whom none of this work would have been possible.
As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and reaping time has come.
"All goes onward and outward,
Nothing collapses,
And to die is different from
What anyone supposes,
And luckier."
Walt Whitman
The Mast Of A Ship / Nakedness / Leader Of Horse / To Shed / Female Breast / To Trample Down / An Ass / A Furnace / Godlike / Piercing / Binding / Bitter / Cleaving Asunder / Bones Wound Together / In Paleness / Breaking / Rending / Abiding In A Place / Tending Unto Nothingness / Dampness Tending Unto Corruption / Immersions In Trembling / To Drag Down / Unto Horror / Dust / Calm / Whirling / Sublime Circumcision / Solitude / Desolation / Goat Herd / Grinding To Powder / Withering / Fading / Reaping Hook / Earth Thrown Up / Or Fresh Turned / Mountain Cast Down / Winnowing With Fury / Thy Breaking / They Who Shriek / With / A / Long / Drwan / Cry / The Silent Lion / Trembling / Thy Barrenness / The Destroyer Of Day / Death Of Flesh / The Movers With A Creeping Motion / Destroyers By Stifling / Smoky Breath / The Pain Bringers / The Flesh Unclothed / They Who Move With A Backward Motion / Glistening Horribly / Like An Insect / Quivering In A Horrible Manner / Misleaders / Omnia In Unòs / Duo In Unam / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est /
Released the same year as Nature Unveiled, Current 93's second full-length record is more uneven than its predecessor and less coherent. Time has been kind to Current 93's debut, but Dogs Blood Rising feels a little like Tibet's leftover thoughts and ideas forced onto record. It nonetheless boasts of several outstanding moments and marks Tibet's first obvious movement away from the trappings of the so-called industrial culture.
Everything Nature Unveiled expressed with brevity and eloquence is unnecessarily confused and extended on Dogs Blood Rising. All the familiar symbols and references to Christianity, Satan, redemption, fear, human impotency, apocalyptic trauma, and positive biblical fables are present, but without the strength of a unifying esthetic. "Christus Christus (The Shells Have Cracked)" begins well enough with looped chants, abstract and breathy tones, and a sense of direction. It is an invocation of Christianity's dark side, a dimension characterized by death, burning, God's terrifying judgment (who will be saved?), and humanity's capacity for evil. "Falling Back in Fields of Rape" continues that promise of a new direction by solidifying it with a distinct meter, evenly recurring and reversed percussion loops, and a seductive chant deep in the background. Nature Unveiled was not without its structure, but at the beginning Dogs Blood Rising seems more thoughtful and coherent by virtue of its more conventional form.
Steven Ignorant's opening lines a few minutes into the song arrive unexpectedly, breaking the song's established vocabulary, and with his words Stapleton simultaneously increases the audio frenzy. The sequence of audio events presented in a short time is impressive. A metallic and vertiginous crash realizes the act of falling suggested in the song's title, then there is a moment of near silence before the now familiar words "In a foreign town / In a foreign land" are delivered. Ignorant's tone is initially narrative-like and it maintains the structure suggested by the song's opening moments. However, his delivery is quickly made ferocious, his voice reaches a feverish pitch, and in no time at all the music becomes equally crazed. The song is then transformed and a child's voice becomes the focal point, and then again another change occurs as a deranged and slightly forced growl makes its way into the mix, and then yet another change. This time a woman recites various cruelties to which humans are subjected while an organ slowly drones away beneath her voice. Over and over again the song mutates without warning, almost as though it were punishing the listener for expecting any kind of order. An unnecessary drum machine briefly makes an appearance before Tibet's dry and unnerving voice enters the fray, calling to mind his performance on I Have a Special Plan for this World. Unfortunately the song attacks the listener almost too literally, inspiring frustration more than fright, sympathy, remorse, or any other emotion. What could've been a new direction for Tibet and Stapleton instead devolves into a less powerful version of everything presented on Nature Unveiled.
Neither "From Broken Cross, Locusts" nor "Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)" improves the album much. The former is a consistent song in both tone and structure, but it quickly becomes dull. For much of the song Tibet simply repeats "Antichrist" over and over again; his voice is amplified, distorted, and extended in various ways with little more than a martial and repetitive drum-beat to accompany him. The latter is, for some reason or another, dedicated to Japanese author, playwright, poet, philosopher, essayist, nationalist, and imperialist Yukio Mishima. Perhaps Mishima's literary and personal emphasis on the body inspired Tibet, but making any definite connection between him and the album is nearly impossible and suggests that Tibet was, at the time, juggling too many influences to make anything definite and powerful of them. Most interesting is the concluding piece, "St. Peter's Keys All Bloody." In a conversational tone Tibet greets darkness by way of Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sounds of Silence." It's an especially interesting musical reference considering the song's generally accepted message, which touches on the absence of love in public life and lack of communication between individuals, public or private. In any case, the song also signifies Tibet's interest in more structured music, especially folk music. As the lyrics to "Scarborough Fair" while away beneath Tibet's scathing delivery I'm reminded of Tibet's synthetic sensibilities on Nature Unveiled. It's clear to me now that while Tibet worked initially within an industrial (or at least experimental) mode, he was from the start trying to break away from it. Simon and Garfunkel were almost the complete antithesis of what was happening in London's more underground venues in 1984, yet their influence appears on this record.
Also included in the first 1,000 copies of this reissue is a complete album remix by Andrew Liles titled Dogs Blood Ascending. It is in every way an improvement upon the original. The sudden and unappealing shifts of "Falling Back in Fields of Rape" are transformed into a unified and explosive expression of anger at the loss of innocence. The song, in its remixed form, begins with the child-like voices that populated the middle portion of the original and then proceeds to Ignorant's spite-filled diatribe. It's as though, by a simple rearrangement and some improved atmospherics, the entire album is given a perspective and force that it originally didn't have. War is clearly declared on the evils of the world, the pounding of drums that were previously wimpy synthetic thuds assume a meaningful dimension that they couldn't have had in the original, and all the musical changes that bogged down the original are given new life because of Liles' determination to maintain some semblance of unity within the song. The percussion on "From Broken Cross, Locusts" also benefits from Liles' careful hand. Instead of being monotonous and ineffective, they achieve a truly martial status that reminds me more precisely and fully of a fascist dread marked by the terror of marching and perfectly polished boots. Tibet's Antichrist-chant is invigorated by various effects and benefits from being truncated slightly. The song is thus made into the whirlwind of hatred I suspect it was intended to be. "Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)" is given the most radical transformation. On Dogs Blood Ascending it is a quiet, subdued piece, emphasizing the somber quality of Christ's sacrifice. It's a real tribute to Liles' talent that he managed to latch onto the record's major themes and improve upon their presentation without rendering the album completely unidentifiable. It also shows that all the necessary pieces to the puzzle were available to Tibet in the crafting of this album; they were ready to be assembled in a powerful way, but simply weren't realized as well as they could've been. The remix ends with "St. Peter's Keys All Bloody," but this time a musical accompaniment that approximates "The Sounds of Silence's" melody is the main feature. Tibet's vocals appear, too, but the contrast between the toy-box melody and his pronounced groans adds a depth to the song not present in the original.
Lucas Schleicher
27 April 2008
Everything Nature Unveiled expressed with brevity and eloquence is unnecessarily confused and extended on Dogs Blood Rising. All the familiar symbols and references to Christianity, Satan, redemption, fear, human impotency, apocalyptic trauma, and positive biblical fables are present, but without the strength of a unifying esthetic. "Christus Christus (The Shells Have Cracked)" begins well enough with looped chants, abstract and breathy tones, and a sense of direction. It is an invocation of Christianity's dark side, a dimension characterized by death, burning, God's terrifying judgment (who will be saved?), and humanity's capacity for evil. "Falling Back in Fields of Rape" continues that promise of a new direction by solidifying it with a distinct meter, evenly recurring and reversed percussion loops, and a seductive chant deep in the background. Nature Unveiled was not without its structure, but at the beginning Dogs Blood Rising seems more thoughtful and coherent by virtue of its more conventional form.
Steven Ignorant's opening lines a few minutes into the song arrive unexpectedly, breaking the song's established vocabulary, and with his words Stapleton simultaneously increases the audio frenzy. The sequence of audio events presented in a short time is impressive. A metallic and vertiginous crash realizes the act of falling suggested in the song's title, then there is a moment of near silence before the now familiar words "In a foreign town / In a foreign land" are delivered. Ignorant's tone is initially narrative-like and it maintains the structure suggested by the song's opening moments. However, his delivery is quickly made ferocious, his voice reaches a feverish pitch, and in no time at all the music becomes equally crazed. The song is then transformed and a child's voice becomes the focal point, and then again another change occurs as a deranged and slightly forced growl makes its way into the mix, and then yet another change. This time a woman recites various cruelties to which humans are subjected while an organ slowly drones away beneath her voice. Over and over again the song mutates without warning, almost as though it were punishing the listener for expecting any kind of order. An unnecessary drum machine briefly makes an appearance before Tibet's dry and unnerving voice enters the fray, calling to mind his performance on I Have a Special Plan for this World. Unfortunately the song attacks the listener almost too literally, inspiring frustration more than fright, sympathy, remorse, or any other emotion. What could've been a new direction for Tibet and Stapleton instead devolves into a less powerful version of everything presented on Nature Unveiled.
Neither "From Broken Cross, Locusts" nor "Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)" improves the album much. The former is a consistent song in both tone and structure, but it quickly becomes dull. For much of the song Tibet simply repeats "Antichrist" over and over again; his voice is amplified, distorted, and extended in various ways with little more than a martial and repetitive drum-beat to accompany him. The latter is, for some reason or another, dedicated to Japanese author, playwright, poet, philosopher, essayist, nationalist, and imperialist Yukio Mishima. Perhaps Mishima's literary and personal emphasis on the body inspired Tibet, but making any definite connection between him and the album is nearly impossible and suggests that Tibet was, at the time, juggling too many influences to make anything definite and powerful of them. Most interesting is the concluding piece, "St. Peter's Keys All Bloody." In a conversational tone Tibet greets darkness by way of Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sounds of Silence." It's an especially interesting musical reference considering the song's generally accepted message, which touches on the absence of love in public life and lack of communication between individuals, public or private. In any case, the song also signifies Tibet's interest in more structured music, especially folk music. As the lyrics to "Scarborough Fair" while away beneath Tibet's scathing delivery I'm reminded of Tibet's synthetic sensibilities on Nature Unveiled. It's clear to me now that while Tibet worked initially within an industrial (or at least experimental) mode, he was from the start trying to break away from it. Simon and Garfunkel were almost the complete antithesis of what was happening in London's more underground venues in 1984, yet their influence appears on this record.
Also included in the first 1,000 copies of this reissue is a complete album remix by Andrew Liles titled Dogs Blood Ascending. It is in every way an improvement upon the original. The sudden and unappealing shifts of "Falling Back in Fields of Rape" are transformed into a unified and explosive expression of anger at the loss of innocence. The song, in its remixed form, begins with the child-like voices that populated the middle portion of the original and then proceeds to Ignorant's spite-filled diatribe. It's as though, by a simple rearrangement and some improved atmospherics, the entire album is given a perspective and force that it originally didn't have. War is clearly declared on the evils of the world, the pounding of drums that were previously wimpy synthetic thuds assume a meaningful dimension that they couldn't have had in the original, and all the musical changes that bogged down the original are given new life because of Liles' determination to maintain some semblance of unity within the song. The percussion on "From Broken Cross, Locusts" also benefits from Liles' careful hand. Instead of being monotonous and ineffective, they achieve a truly martial status that reminds me more precisely and fully of a fascist dread marked by the terror of marching and perfectly polished boots. Tibet's Antichrist-chant is invigorated by various effects and benefits from being truncated slightly. The song is thus made into the whirlwind of hatred I suspect it was intended to be. "Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)" is given the most radical transformation. On Dogs Blood Ascending it is a quiet, subdued piece, emphasizing the somber quality of Christ's sacrifice. It's a real tribute to Liles' talent that he managed to latch onto the record's major themes and improve upon their presentation without rendering the album completely unidentifiable. It also shows that all the necessary pieces to the puzzle were available to Tibet in the crafting of this album; they were ready to be assembled in a powerful way, but simply weren't realized as well as they could've been. The remix ends with "St. Peter's Keys All Bloody," but this time a musical accompaniment that approximates "The Sounds of Silence's" melody is the main feature. Tibet's vocals appear, too, but the contrast between the toy-box melody and his pronounced groans adds a depth to the song not present in the original.
Lucas Schleicher
27 April 2008
2014 November 12 UK Durtro Jnana DURTRO JNANA LP 95
<9 black vinyl copies
Test Pressing
Title and artist written in the bottom left corner of cover
Initialled by David Tibet
Test Pressing
Title and artist written in the bottom left corner of cover
Initialled by David Tibet
Track Listing
Side 1
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape
- From Broken Cross, Locusts
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody [RS-111]
Vinyl Etchings
John Murphy
Nick Rogers
Each of these TPs have been put into a newly designed silkscreened sleeve, printed in copper ink on white card.
Each record has the title and artist hand-written in the CatSpace at the bottom left of the cover by David, and each record also has the title and artist written by him on the white label.
Each sleeve is initialled by him.
The edition of each title is not numbered.
In the case of a 2LP (double album) release, both records are put into one sleeve.
There are between 1 and 25 copies of each of the titles.
Each record has the title and artist hand-written in the CatSpace at the bottom left of the cover by David, and each record also has the title and artist written by him on the white label.
Each sleeve is initialled by him.
The edition of each title is not numbered.
In the case of a 2LP (double album) release, both records are put into one sleeve.
There are between 1 and 25 copies of each of the titles.
2024 August 12 UK Cashen's Gap DOAR XVI
1000 picture disc copies in die-cut sleeve
Track Listing
- Christus Christus The Shells Have Cracked
- Falling Back In Fields Of Rape
- From Broken Cross, Locusts
- Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
- St. Peters Keys All Bloody [RS-111]
John Murphy
Nick Rogers
93 Current 93
Steven Stapleton - Tibet 93 - John Murphy - Nicholas Rogers - Crystale - Igs - Isidore Ducasse - Tathata Louise Aisling Wallis - Steve Ignorant
Dogs Blood Order was recorded at Shinju and IPS Studios, with the exception of 'Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)' which was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on November 25 1983, on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading. Our thanks to all those who have helped, either directly or indirectly through their friendship: Annie Anxiety, Coil, Crass, Flux of Pink Indians, Vagina Dentata Organ, William Bennett, Fritz Häaman, John Fothergill, Josianne, HÖH, James Low, Tony Wakeford. Our thanks once more, to the marvellous Babe Santini for her beautiful artwork on the cover, to Fiona Burr for the photographs, and to Marc Monin of L.A.Y.L.A.H., without whom none of this work would have been possible.
This reissue was released by David Tibet and Ania Goszczyńska on Cahsen's Gap 2024. The album was remastered by Michael Lawrence at Bladud Flies! from the original analogue tapes. It was manufactured and distributed by Cargo Records. The artwork wa Dreamed Again, and Laid Out, by Rob Hopeye, to whom OverMoon Thanks from me. Thank You Utterly Also to Steve Pittis, Darren Crawford, Ania My Polka, Andrew Liles, Lauren Winton, June-Alison Gibbons, Jose Pachéco, Mark Bourdeau, Mark Logan, Timothy Mark Lewis, Jake Gill, and Edita Skřivánková.
This is what we call DogsBloodTime!
As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and reaping time has come.
All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses.
And to die is different from what any supposed, and luckier.
Walt Whitman, "Song Of Myself", Leaves Of Grass
The Mast Of A Ship / Nakedness / Leader Of Horse / To Shed / Female Breast / To Trample Down / An Ass / A Furnace / Godlike / Piercing / Binding / Bitter / Cleaving Asunder / Bones Wound Together / In Paleness / Breaking / Rending / Abiding In A Place / Tending Unto Nothingness / Dampness Tending Unto Corruption / Immersions In Trembling / To Drag Down / Unto Horror / Dust / Calm / Whirling / Sublime Circumcision / Solitude / Desolation / Goat Herd / Grinding To Powder / Withering / Fading / Reaping Hook / Earth Thrown Up / Or Fresh Turned / Mountain Cast Down / Winnowing With Fury / Thy Breaking / They Who Shriek / With / A / Long / Drawn / Cry / The Silent Lion / Trembling / Thy Barrenness / The Destroyer Of Day / Death Of Flesh / The Movers With A Creeping Motion / Destroyers By Stifling / Smoky Breath / The Pain Bringers / The Flesh Unclothed / They Who Move With A Backward Motion / Glistening Horribly / Like An Insect / Quivering In A Horrible Manner / Misleaders / Omnia In Unò / Duo In Unam / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est /
Steven Stapleton - Tibet 93 - John Murphy - Nicholas Rogers - Crystale - Igs - Isidore Ducasse - Tathata Louise Aisling Wallis - Steve Ignorant
Dogs Blood Order was recorded at Shinju and IPS Studios, with the exception of 'Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)' which was recorded live at Bar Maldoror on November 25 1983, on the thirteenth anniversary of the death of Yukio Mishima through hara-kiri and beheading. Our thanks to all those who have helped, either directly or indirectly through their friendship: Annie Anxiety, Coil, Crass, Flux of Pink Indians, Vagina Dentata Organ, William Bennett, Fritz Häaman, John Fothergill, Josianne, HÖH, James Low, Tony Wakeford. Our thanks once more, to the marvellous Babe Santini for her beautiful artwork on the cover, to Fiona Burr for the photographs, and to Marc Monin of L.A.Y.L.A.H., without whom none of this work would have been possible.
This reissue was released by David Tibet and Ania Goszczyńska on Cahsen's Gap 2024. The album was remastered by Michael Lawrence at Bladud Flies! from the original analogue tapes. It was manufactured and distributed by Cargo Records. The artwork wa Dreamed Again, and Laid Out, by Rob Hopeye, to whom OverMoon Thanks from me. Thank You Utterly Also to Steve Pittis, Darren Crawford, Ania My Polka, Andrew Liles, Lauren Winton, June-Alison Gibbons, Jose Pachéco, Mark Bourdeau, Mark Logan, Timothy Mark Lewis, Jake Gill, and Edita Skřivánková.
This is what we call DogsBloodTime!
As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and reaping time has come.
All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses.
And to die is different from what any supposed, and luckier.
Walt Whitman, "Song Of Myself", Leaves Of Grass
The Mast Of A Ship / Nakedness / Leader Of Horse / To Shed / Female Breast / To Trample Down / An Ass / A Furnace / Godlike / Piercing / Binding / Bitter / Cleaving Asunder / Bones Wound Together / In Paleness / Breaking / Rending / Abiding In A Place / Tending Unto Nothingness / Dampness Tending Unto Corruption / Immersions In Trembling / To Drag Down / Unto Horror / Dust / Calm / Whirling / Sublime Circumcision / Solitude / Desolation / Goat Herd / Grinding To Powder / Withering / Fading / Reaping Hook / Earth Thrown Up / Or Fresh Turned / Mountain Cast Down / Winnowing With Fury / Thy Breaking / They Who Shriek / With / A / Long / Drawn / Cry / The Silent Lion / Trembling / Thy Barrenness / The Destroyer Of Day / Death Of Flesh / The Movers With A Creeping Motion / Destroyers By Stifling / Smoky Breath / The Pain Bringers / The Flesh Unclothed / They Who Move With A Backward Motion / Glistening Horribly / Like An Insect / Quivering In A Horrible Manner / Misleaders / Omnia In Unò / Duo In Unam / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est / Nihil Est /
Press Release
Reeling In The Weeks—which felt like Years — after my first Current 93 album, I had started on the difficult second C93 album, DOGS BLOOD RISING.
Having been asked to appear on both Top Of The Pops AND The Old Grey Whistle Test 93 times in the same week after the release of NATURE UNVEILED, I realised that God was telling me that I had hit on a winning formula of Christian eschatology and Apocalyptic Christian texts over a SoundScape As Cool As Flies, but that I was missing the vital ingredient of a Simon & Garfunkel song.
DOGS BLOOD RISING — which I described to myself in a VISION as an album which hoped, wished, and made bad trips sound like good trips — was essentially the Mirror Night of NATURE UNVEILED, although only half of it was recorded at Roundhouse Studios. Squats were calling, and 8-track studios were all I was able to afford. DOGS BLOOD RISING didn’t chart, except in my NightSweats. Listening to it now, it makes me as restless as I was then, staring beyond the windows there, watching and praying for something, someone, anything, anyone.
Remastered by The Bricoleur at Bladud Flies!, and with the original artwork refreshed and reborn by Rob Hopeye, this 12” vinyl picture-disc comes in a full-colour die-cut sleeve, which is printed on both the outside and inside.
This is one of the first 4 reissues of the entire back catalogue of C93 on picture-disc and standard vinyl, in the lead-up to the publication of my autobiography at the end of 2025, whilst I also work on many other recording, publishing, and painting projects, and Watch And Pray! Each release in the picture-disc vinyl reissues series is limited to 1,000 copies, and the titles will not be repressed as picture-discs once they have sold out.
David Tibet, Hastings, 3 July 2024.
Having been asked to appear on both Top Of The Pops AND The Old Grey Whistle Test 93 times in the same week after the release of NATURE UNVEILED, I realised that God was telling me that I had hit on a winning formula of Christian eschatology and Apocalyptic Christian texts over a SoundScape As Cool As Flies, but that I was missing the vital ingredient of a Simon & Garfunkel song.
DOGS BLOOD RISING — which I described to myself in a VISION as an album which hoped, wished, and made bad trips sound like good trips — was essentially the Mirror Night of NATURE UNVEILED, although only half of it was recorded at Roundhouse Studios. Squats were calling, and 8-track studios were all I was able to afford. DOGS BLOOD RISING didn’t chart, except in my NightSweats. Listening to it now, it makes me as restless as I was then, staring beyond the windows there, watching and praying for something, someone, anything, anyone.
Remastered by The Bricoleur at Bladud Flies!, and with the original artwork refreshed and reborn by Rob Hopeye, this 12” vinyl picture-disc comes in a full-colour die-cut sleeve, which is printed on both the outside and inside.
This is one of the first 4 reissues of the entire back catalogue of C93 on picture-disc and standard vinyl, in the lead-up to the publication of my autobiography at the end of 2025, whilst I also work on many other recording, publishing, and painting projects, and Watch And Pray! Each release in the picture-disc vinyl reissues series is limited to 1,000 copies, and the titles will not be repressed as picture-discs once they have sold out.
David Tibet, Hastings, 3 July 2024.