Miscellaneous compilations and tape-only songs (Legendary Pink Dots)

Unknown song from Zillo 1995

@ If anyone knows what this song is called, or anything more about it,
@ please e-mail the list

And in the corridor of curves we turn and we turn we never reach the same (wind?) because it keeps going inwards and inwards ans inwards and inwards oh we're searching for the center but the center never comes it only promises with arrows on the walls and we follow the arrows and the arrows become smaller we look there much harder and the arrows go on but the arrows don't stop so we don't stop and we walk on and on and on in the corridor of curves and the curves become a circle but the circle never joins and the joins never turn we go downwards and downwards and downwards but there never is a center and there never is a base and we keep walking and walking and (in the?) crawling over crawling oh we lie there have a rest but there never is a rest because the rest is in (...?...) is cold is so damp and we just have to go on because the promise is always there in a lightness in your head there's a lightness *just* in your head there's never a lie(?) in your eyes in your eyes they're closed anyhow but behind your eyes there always is the promise the promise of an end the promise of a (..?..) but there is any end there's just a question just a question and the promise and the promise does never deliver a question does never answer you go on and on and on and on looking to answer this question and you've forgotten what the question is anyhow and you can't hear what the promise is anyhow you just know it's there you just know there is a promise you know there is a question by now but you forgot what it is this is the corridor of curves this is the road of frustration and it pulls you down and down and down and you like to find the base and you like to believe it's there and you like to find it and maybe it's there but sorry man you just got to keep looking keep looking - and maybe you find what you're looking for

Love On A Pale Green Postage Stamp

The lights went down in Lemon Town and the peeler shed her snake. We dived inside her birthday cake, then we watched them diving blind though exits leading nowhere. Yes, we caught their screams on tape. We watched as they fell into the abyss... (if God had meant us to sin, he would have given us horns!)

Der Schrei

Der Schwarzengel steigt auf mit anklagendem Blick. Ein Strauss schwarzer Orchideen fuer dich, da du weinst in den Ruinen alldessen, das du kanntest, das dir lieb war, das du besassest. Welch ein Chaos! Eine Botschaft an dem Mauer - Gott steh uns bei! Wir hatten keine Ahnung, keine Wahl. Weshalb die Gewalt? Geblieben sind uns die Lieder - aber wo bist du, liebe Marlene? Und unten in der neurotischen Legostadt der gebrochenen Herzen wird eine Nadel in einem{sic} Arm gerammt, und ein neuer Traum beginnt. Und die U-Bahn (f=FChrt?) zum Krankenhaus mit Betten auf den Schienen. Und die Opfer zerbrechen in ihren Bandagen eingewickelt, in Sauerstoffzelten. Spannung! Der Arzt ist ein Irrer mit Nadel in der Hand: nur ein Mucks und =2E.. Ja, Marlene lacht. So kommt doch, so kommt doch. Seht Bismarck, Reichs(messer?) rauchend in den Resten des Bundestags stehend. Seht =46ranz-Joseph Schloesser an Yankeees verschachen. Seht Amadeus, Ludwig und Udo stossen auf Edison an. Und Heino sauselt zum Radiogedudel. Schluss! Alles geschlossen! Die Schloesser, die Krupps, die Mercedes-Benz siecht dahin im fahlen Mondlicht. Wir traeumen im Mondlicht von Einigkeit. Wir hatten keine Ahnung! Wir hatten keine Ahnung! La la la la {Lily Marlene melody} ...