Blimp "Superpolen" Ampersand/Sound Improvement do1 2000 (39:51)
Zero Zero Wired (3:43)
Analogue Equipment in Modern Retro Music (4:16)
Invisible Static and Silence (5:44)
Gentlemen Prefer Black Dots (5:37)
17 (6:00)
Reminiscence of Space Pop Music (7:06)
Four Imaginary Boys (7:25)Blimp are a four piece from Poland that practically hide guitar, bass and drums within analogue synths, loops, samples, effects and rhythm programming. The 40 minutes of music here is instrumental (save for a muddled recitation of a James Joyce poem in one track) with well tempered, basic bass/beats and very thick layers of back and foreground texture and micro mechanical sounds. It's more of a mellow electronic groove thing than a post rock groove thing, though it's really both with a bit of spacey dub and krautrock mixed in, often reminding me of Mouse on Mars and the solo work of Thomas Fehlmann of The Orb. "17" offers up the most prominent bass guitar based groove, almost to the point of Jah Wobble prominence. Everything is perfectly pleasant and comes to an end far too quickly. My only other minor complaint - a few unintentional clicks pop up here and there, which may be a problem with the disc itself and not the music or mix ...
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