7 Seconds "Good to Go" SideOneDummy SD1214 1999 (26:56)
Sooner or Later (1:09)
Sour Grapes (1:20)
One Big Guessing Game (1:52)
Best Friend (2:00)
Slow Down a Second (2:06)
Safety Net (1:23)
Change the Key (1:57)
4,1,4,1 ... Done (:29)
Message From a Friend (1:19)
True Roots Show (2:03)
This World of Mine (1:43)
You See the Flaws (2:05)
I See You Found Another Trophy (1:46)
Good to Go (1:02)
Never Try (1:46)
Here We Go Again Kids (2:56)7 Seconds is Kevin Seconds (lead & backing vocals), Steve Youth (bass, backing vocals), Troy Mowat (drums, backing vocals) and Bobby Adams (guitars, backing vocals).
Yes! It took 15 years but they finally did it! 7 Seconds have made another album that compares to their legendary and highly influential 1983/4 album "The Crew". I've been waiting a long time for this one. The previous album, 1995's "The Music. The Message" was still too punk/pop and not enough punk/hardcore for me. It was good, but left me yearning for something faster and harder. "Good to Go" does just that, firing it back up with great hooks and positive, anthemic lyrics. Seconds leaves the guitar to Bobby Adams (which may help explain the return to the harder edged sound) and concentrates solely on vocals. He sounds great, as does the band. And all 16 tracks are winners ... "Change the Key", "Never Try" and "Here We Go Again Kids" are currently my favorites, mostly due to the uplifting lyrics and how Seconds delivers them. "4,1,4,1 ... Done" is a clever 29 second ditty that also appears on the recent "Short Music for Short People" compilation. The disc flies bye since it clocks in at less than half an hour, but I still walk away more than satisfied and often listen to it multiple times in a row. Sell your Offspring and Green Day cds kids and get this instead 'cause this is the *real* deal. Thanks guys, I really hope the next album is as solid as this one ...
7 Seconds
7 Seconds at SideOneDummyWhere did I get this cd? - at a used cd store in Dallas, TX.