Project Dark "Excited by Gramophones Volume 4" Sentrax / Invisible Records INV 7002 1998 (51:53)
Et Sic Gradus Ad Ima Tenditur (:23)
Black Rubber Elvis (4:38)
The Sand of Music (3:12)
Danceflawed (:32)
Return to Sender (4:50)
Spongers... (8:50)
A Short Hop From Sarajevo (7:25)
Never to Fake It (Again) (1:28)
Liquidation Totale (:52)
Jake's Drawing (1:07)
Ada Pama! (:48)
Ten Fingers (2:16)
...Shift Right (4:53)
Armatron (Screw Edison) (4:04)
White Leather Jacket (6:12)Project Dark are Kirsten Reynolds, Ashley Davies and Tony Pattinson with guest appearances by Dub Colossus, Tim Whelan, Billy Childish, Jonathan and Jimi Papatzaneteas.
Overall impression: good. Project Dark create music with their homemade 7" singles (a limited edition series of 40 so far) made of such dubious and interesting articles as etched glass, carpet tack, glasspaper, chocolate, Edam cheese, mirror and plasterboard. The sounds created by playing and recording these 7" singles are what make up the raw material which Project Dark use as the foundation for their tracks. What comes out of your speakers ranges from incredibly abrasive ("Et Sic..", "The Sand of Music", "Jake's Drawing") to mildy abrasive ("Danceflawed", "Return to Sender", "Liquidation Totale", "Ten Fingers") to sublimely abrasive ("Spongers", "A Short Hop..", "Never to..", "Ada Pama!", "White Leather Jacket"). Most of the tracks are beat-less soundscapes of the various sounds from the singles ... scratches, hums, whirrs, clicks, feedback, ambient atmospheres, the occasional exploding turntable, etc. A few tracks ("Black Rubber..", "Spongers..." and "...Shift Right") use the sounds in conjunction with some heavy duty drum 'n bass breaks (much like "Spring of Thigh's Rest" from the Sentrax "Interiors" compilation). Interesting stuff, reminiscent of Neubaten and Throbbing Gristle here and there. My only minor complaint: I'd prefer to have more of the longer and developed tracks rather than all of the shorter ones ...
Sentrax Records
Invisible RecordsWhere did I get this cd? - mailorder via CDWorld.