Twilight Circus Dub Sound System "Horsie" M Records CD 170 1999 (41:17)
Romy (4:22)
Dance (5:07)
Horsie (4:05)
Kik (4:17)
Ergmm (3:22)
Oats (3:39)
Bord (4:40)
Carousel (3:51)
Binshaker Dub (4:21)
Rock Salt (3:11)Twilight Circus is Ryan Moore (all instruments and production)
Overall impression: excellent! Ryan Moore apparently doesn't fill up enough time in the year with Legendary Pink Dots releases and tours so thankfully he puts his bass and drum playing/programming skills to work as a solo artist too. "Horsie" is the 5th full length from Ryan as Twilight Circus, and dammit ... I say this every time a new one comes out but I'm going to say it again: this one's the best so far. Actually, it's another great complement to the backcatalogue and a step forward. "Horsie" continues the magical mystery dub journey that started in 1995 (see also: "In Dub Vol. 1, "Other Worlds of Dub", "Bin Shaker Dub" and "Dub Plate Selection") ... lots of big bass lines, echo chamber drums and percussion hits, organs, keyboards, theremin ... all sorts of groovy textured sonics that make for fun (if you've seen TC live then you know how much of a goof Ryan is) and melodic instrumental Jamaican dub. One big change this time around is the addition of electric guitar to half of the songs which makes for a bit more of a Pink Dot oriented sound. Two of these guitar augmented songs in particular, "Horsie" and "Oats" are some of the finest Twilight Circus songs to date, the latter being one of the most beautiful songs I've heard this year. Yet another great TC disk ... I'm looking forward to Ryan's first solo cd under his own name next year and any other future Twilight Circus releases. My only minor complaint: it's much too short clocking in at just over 41 minutes! But, it was only $10 (the official release date is Feb 15, 1999 so I guess you can only get it via TC/LPD shows right now) and like "Dub Plate.." each comes with individualized artwork. Ryan can keep churning these cds out every year and I will never get sick of them! Real audio and mp3 sound clips are available at the Twilight Circus homepage. Dub while you may ...
Twilight Circus homepage
Where did I get this cd? - at the Nov. 5, 1998 Twilight Circus/Legendary Pink Dots show in Lawrence, KS.