Squarepusher "Big Loada" Warp / Nothing Records INTDE-90257 1998 (52:06)
Come On My Selector (3:24)
A Journey to Reedham (7 AM Mix) (6:35)
Full Rinse (Featuring McTwin Tub) (2:23)
Massif (Stay Strong) (6:26)
The Body Builder (Dressing Down Mix) (3:02)
Tequila Fish (6:09)
Jacques Mal Chance (Il N'a Pas de Chance) (:48)
Port Rhombus (6:41)
Problem Child (5:43)
Significant Others (3:28)
Lone Ravers (Live in Chelmsford Mix) (5:01)
The Barn (303 Kebab Mix) (2:11)Squarepusher is Tom Jenkinson.
Overall impression: excellent. Nothing Records has finally bothered to put some Squarepusher out domestically in the States! "Big Loada" and the new album, "Music is Rotted One Note" are my first exposure to Tom's music and I'm very impressed by both even though these 2 discs are very different from one another. Nothing took the original "Big Loada" ep, rearranged the track listing a little and added the "Port Rhombus" ep ("Port Rhombus", "Problem Child", "Significant Others") and two tracks from the "Vic Acid" ep ("The Barn" and "Lone Ravers"), as well as tacking on the spiffy Chris Cunningham directed (see also Aphex Twin "Come to Daddy" video) "Come on My Selector" video in quicktime format. "Big Loada" is insanely complex, jazzy, hyperspeed drill 'n bass with the usual quirky samples and melodies (ala Aphex Twin, u-ziq, etc) and lots of bass guitar fills *played* by Tom. Each song is a hodgepodge, cut 'n paste smorbasbord of percussion, bass, bass guitar, and all sorts of miscellaneous bleeps, bells, whistles and keyboard sounds all tightly woven together in a brain numbing blast of sound. Occasionally the speed slows down here and there to slip into a nice groove, such as on "Massif", "Tequila Fish" and "Port Rhombus". Really fun stuff, but something I have to be in the mood for or my brain may either melt or explode. Now I see what all the hype is about ... Tom is one talented guy, whether it be pushing buttons on his machines or playing live bass guitar, drums and keyboards (see also "Music is Rotted One Note"). I'm very happy to finally get my hands on this at domestic prices and I'm looking forward to whatever else Nothing releases from the backcatalogue ...
Squarepusher at Warpnet
Squarepusher fan siteWhere did I get this cd? - mail order via Rioux's Records. Email Jason.