Jello Biafra "Become the Media" Alternative Tentative Records Virus 260CD 2000
Disc 1 (74:46)
Intro: Gary Dugger (2:04)
The Green Wedge (10:11)
K.O. the W.T.O. (35:21)
Hellburbia (27:10)Disc 2 (75:25)
Hack the Planet (56:09)
World Band & International Monetary Fraud (19:16)Disc 3 (71:19)
Frankenfood Landscape: Where Are We Going? (3:05)
Philadelphia Stories (30:49)
If You Like Tipper, You'll Love... (20:52)
Become the Media (16:33)Jello Biafra's crusade continues with his 6th spoken word album in 14 years. Like the previous album, 1998's "If Evolution Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Evolve", this one is a lot to take in at well over 3 hours on 3 discs (for the price of 1) of live material from various shows and conventions throughout 2000. And now more than ever Jello, always one to expose corporate, religious and political conspiracies, has a lot to talk about: the presidential election and his brief Green Party candidacy, the World Trade Organization, the Columbine shootings backlash, online networking, censorship, the drug war, mp3s and Napster, his court case with the other Dead Kennedys, reports from the Republican and Democratic Conventions, etc., etc. He successfully conveys this massive amount of information with a mildly comedic delivery ... George W. Bush, Jr. becomes 'King George the II' and Al Gore 'Prince Albert', Newsweek magazine 'News Speak', overbearing corporate dominance 'corporate feudalism', genetically altered food 'Frankenfood', etc. The recurring message throughout is for you to actually care and do something about it - become the media through pirate radio and tv, 'zines, online and offline activism and protest and simply communicating to those "on our side who don't yet know it". Jello makes you think about important issues that effect everyone, regardless of whether you agree with him or not. And though the 'truth' is an ever elusive impossibility, I tend to think his well informed version is closer to reality than most 'traditional' media. Four full length mp3s are freely available at alternativetentacles.com ...
Alternative Tentancles Records
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