Coil "Spring Equinox:  Moon's Milk or Under an Unquiet Skull"
Eskaton 11 World Serpent Distribution 1998 (16:40)

Part 1 (8:32)
Part 2 (8:08)

Overall impression: excellent. This is the first of a 4 part series to be released this year in conjuction with the 4 seasonal equinoxes. It will cease to be available on June 21, the Summer Solstice, at which time the new single "Bee Stings" will become available. This disc continues in the same vein musically as the preceeding Coil oriented release, "Time Machines". The music is essentially instrumental drone based pieces, Parts 1 and 2 being much alike, except that Part 2 has the wonderful addition of electric viola melodies. Very organic and relaxing in nature. My only complaint is how short the running time is. I understand that it's a single, but just when you're starting to really get into it, it's over. However, it's a wonderful companion to the "Time Machines" disc. I'm really looking forward to the next 3 (and anything else Coil decides to release during that time period) ...

Coil at Brainwashed

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