Kim Cascone "Parasites" Anechoic a001 2000 (16:36)
1parasiteForDeleuze (3:01)
parasite2 (1:02)
parasite3 (:11)
parasite4 (1:02)
parasite5 (:12)
parasite6 (1:02)
parasite7 (1:02)
parasite8 (1:00)
parasite9 (:12)
parasite10 (1:00)
parasite11 (1:04)
parasite12 (:32)
parasite13 (1:30)
parasite14 (1:30)
parasite15 (:06)
parasite16 (1:16)
parasite17 (1:02)
parasite18 (:39)
parasite19 (1:00)
parasite20 (:12)Kim Cascone, formerly of Silent Records, has founded the new label Anechoic and this is the debut release. "Parasites" is, to borrow a few bits from the press release, "a blurring of the line between atomic samples and compositions ... for either listening or constructing new pieces with". Most of the 20 numbered parasites are in the 6 seconds to 1 and 1/2 minute range for a total of about 16 and 1/2 minutes. Each is a mere fragment of heavily processed, digital desktop minimalism. It's not really 'glitch' or any other easily discernible genre, just quick waves and buzzes of sound. Altogether they form a haphazard collection of dreadfully similar and not too terribly exciting, almost offensively dull, music. It's a shame that parasite12 is only 32 seconds long because it's the most intense, unique and interesting of the lot. I'm not normally one to use the "I could do this myself" line but in this case I'd have much more fun making my own in an hour with Cool Edit than listening to these ... but maybe that's the point? I honestly don't know what the point is. The disc itself is the most appealing feature as it's a new 3" square shaped cd format known as 'card discs'. Like mini cds you need a player, such as a Discman, with a spindle in order to play it. Ultimately what I'm left with is a $10 piece of eye candy to show to my friends after asking "have you ever seen a square cd?" My mom thinks it's cute. I didn't play it for her though ...
Where did I get this cd? - mail order via Riouxs Records.