Nick Parkin "Entropolis" Soleilmoon Recordings SOL 112 CD 2001 (64:50)
Entropolis (7:12)
Vault (7:14)
Corrosion (6:18)
Distillate (7:52)
Pluvial (7:47)
Chemical Dawn (7:55)
Thallium (8:29)
Residues of Night (5:13)
Eurus (6:50)Nick Parkin "Geomorphic Resonance" Soleilmoon Recordings SOL 113 CD 2001 (50:06)
Pleist (8:57)
Subglacial (6:16)
Lithic (6:41)
Geomorph (8:32)
Cirque (6:17)
Talus (5:32)
Moraine (7:51)With a pair of new discs for Soleilmoon Recordings, both limited to 500 copies, British sound artist Nick Parkin explores and simulates the processes of decay, geological and chemical, upon cities and landscapes. Feeding field recordings, samples and instruments (percussion, flute, keyboards) into a Macintosh for additional processing, he creates about 2 hours worth of slow moving, but generally busy, textured sound glaciers. It has become difficult for me to get really excited about these sort of works, having heard so many of them in recent years, but together the two discs offer up much worthwhile ambiance. When Parkin takes the tried and true 'less is more' approach on the "Entropolis" disc, he strikes gold. Strip-mining away the extraneous sound debris leaves tracks such as "Pulvial", "Residues of Night" and "Eurus" with more ambient breathing space, making for moving pieces. But it's the sounds of nature that permeate the "Geomorphic" disc that are more interesting, giving it a distinctly comforting and earthly feel. The elements shape the land throughout, "Talus" and "Moraine" in particular being a fascinating jumble of water and ice soaked pebbles and boulders. Nicely done mate ...
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