Pigface "Eat Shit You Fucking Redneck" Invisible Records INV 122 1998 (71:16)
Intro (1:55)
Radio Bagpipe (4:35)
Nutopia (4:56)
Burundi (4:14)
Methylated (4:07)
Kiss King (5:56)
War Ich Nicht? / Amphetaminemethamphetamine / Girls are Cool (7:50)
Think (5:13)
Hips Tits Lips Power (5:37)
Eat Shit You Fucking Redneck (2:41)
7 Words (3:07)
Weightless (3:24)
Divebomber (3:23)
Suck (6:29)
credits (4:53)Pigface: Martin King (drums), Gus Ferguson (cello/percussion), Meg Lee Chin (vocals), Curse Mackey (vocals/samples), BobDog (guitar/sitar), Levi (bass), Jared (vocals), Jennie Bellestar (vocals), Martin Atkins (drums), Genesis P-Orridge (electronic host) with contributions from FM Einheit, Gry, Zaki (the human beatbox), Marc Heal, Joe Trump and
Slymenstra Hymen.Overall impression: disappointing. The show I saw on this tour (1998's "Lowest of the Low" tour") was by far the worst of the half dozen or so Pigface shows I've seen since 1993. Unfortunately, "Eat Shit.." pretty much captures what I saw and heard from that lackluster show. I can't help but feel I'm listening to a Pigface cover band here, a band just going through the motions to churn out the set. The vocals are poor (Atkins is about the only one I want to listen to ... Jared is annoyingly bad), the songs are either not changed up enough or they're changed for the worse (which is unfortunately the case for several) and the lineup just doesn't seem to gel as well as past ones. The highlights: "War Ich Nicht?", "Divebomber", the improv jams, the outro credit collage, Bob Dog's sitar and scorching guitar on a few songs and the artwork/insert. The sound quality is very good, probably DAT straight from the mixing board, but "Eat Shit.." just plain lacks the energy and experimental spirit of past live efforts, "Welcome to Mexico...Asshole" and "Truth Will Out". Oh well, maybe next time ...
Where did I get this cd? - mailorder via Rioux's Records. Email Jason.