Ambush "Rumours" Invisible Records INV-POS 8002 1998 (46:12)
Arunner (7:09)
Sneak (6:09)
Forget It (5:37)
Cornered (6:20)
The Signal (5:49)
Taken Out (6:49)
No Chance (7:30)Ambush is Glen Eswall.
Overall impression: good. "Rumours" was created and mixed in "The Box" between 9-96 and 3-97 ... the same "Box" where Mick Harris (Scorn/Quoit/Possible Records) creates his music. It's little wonder that the music on this cd is in the same vein as basically everything else so far from Possible (see also SIMM "Welcome", "Sonics Everywhere" ... if you've heard the four Ambush tracks on the latter, then you've heard "Rumours"): straightforward, repetitive gritty beats backed with atmospheres and bass throbs. Ambush is a bit more upbeat, faster than most Scorn but not nearly as complex and interesting in my opinion. Good ... but how many more cds of sub par Scorn-like stuff do we need? The front cover insert "artwork" is atrocious, luckily the music isn't as bad ...
Where did I get this cd? - mail order via Marie Senese (email her to get the big weekly list of cheap used and new cds ... tell 'em markw@southwind.net sent you!)