1. Luc Ferrari: Collection de petites pièces: 6. C'est la valse / 7. Zarathoustra / 8. Dodécasonic / 9. Danse II / 10. La voix est une énigme
  2. ercolino ferretti:Pipe & Drum (63)
  3. Michael Von Biel: Cellokonzert
  4. dogr: city has changed
  5. Conlon Nancarrow: Toccata
  6. Georg Odijk: Bovenbank
  7. Ike Yard: Wolfen
  8. Black Dice: Island
  9. "Blue" Gene Tyranny: Sunrise Or Sunset In Texas
  10. Feedback Studio Koln: Improvisation Zürich
  11. Bernard Parmegiani: Etude Elastique
  12. ErrorSmith: In A Sweat
  13. Gottfried Michel Koenig: unktion Grün

Jan Werner, Germany

Make everyone a "Mix CD" for our virtual Mix CD Exchange Party and send the tracklist to mixcd at brainwashed. Tell us who you are, where you are, and anything else!