1. The Monkees/Carole King - Porpoise Song
  2. Ching Chong Song - Unconditional Love
  3. Barnwave - Buch Dich / Ring The Alarm
  4. Freddy McGuire v Wobbly - Luckfinders and Silverfish
  5. Thomas Dolby - Dissidents
  6. Soft Cell - Sex Dwarf
  7. Scott Walker - Jackie
  8. Oxbow - A Winner Every Time
  9. Kelley Polar - A Dream In Three Parts
  10. Mahi Mahi - My Uncontrollable One
  11. Kevin Blechdom - Tell Me Where It Hurts
  12. Jim Copp and Ed Brown - Messy Bess
  13. Max Tundra - Lights
  14. Leisure High - West Vox One

Blevin Belctum, musician
Providence, RI

If I Had Rings on Every Finger, a Finger in Every Country And All the Countries Ruled by Me ... I'd still Know Where I'd Want To Be...

Make everyone a "Mix CD" for our virtual Mix CD Exchange Party and send the tracklist to mixcd at brainwashed. Tell us who you are, where you are, and anything else!