Deadly serious psychosexual rethinking of the previously Disneyfied chestnut, with the Seven Dwarves as a group of filthy miners who slobber over the young Snow White's heaving bosom and Sigourney Weaver as stepmother Claudia, whose cursed mirror and a serious case of post-partum bitchiness (following the stillbirth of her son) spell endless trouble for Snowy.

Weaver is delightfully wicked, but the director may have been unsure whether to film this as a symbol-heavy grim/Grimm tale or as an overwrought supernatural slasher film. Too humorless and murkily lit to be a top-drawer item, but it's still worth filing this one next to such superior fare as _The Company of Wolves_ and _Dolls_ on the shelf where you store your adolescent nighty-nightmares.