
The 21st Annual Brainwashed Readers Poll: 2019

Voting has closed

Thanks to everybody who took part in this year's Annual Readers Poll.

Votes are being counted and results will be posted soon.

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Review The Winners Circle:
2018: Low, "Double Negative" (Sub Pop)
2017: Slowdive, "Slowdive" (Dead Oceans)
2016: Swans, "The Glowing Man" (Young God)
2015: Carter Tutti Void, "f(x)" (Industrial)
2014: Swans, "To Be Kind" (Young God)
2013: Tim Hecker, "Virgins" (Kranky)
2012: Swans, "The Seer" (Young God)
2011: Tim Hecker, "Ravedeath, 1972" (Kranky)
2010: Swans, "My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope to the Sky" (Young God)
2009: Sunn O))), "Monoliths & Dimensions" (Southern Lord)
2008: Matmos, "Supreme Balloon" (Matador)
2007: Stars of the Lid, "And Their Refinement of the Decline" (Kranky)
2006: Current 93, "Black Ships Ate The Sky" (Durtro/Jnana)
2005: Coil, "The Ape of Naples" (Threshold House)
2004: Fennesz, "Venice" (Mego)
2003: Mogwai, "Happy Songs For Happy People" (Matador)
2002: Godspeed You! Black Emperor, "Yanqui U.X.O." (Constellation)
2001: Low, "Things We Lost in the Fire" (Kranky)
2000: godspeed you black emperor!, "Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven" (Kranky)
1998 Tortoise, "TNT" (Thrill Jockey) [original] Coil, "Time Machines" (Eskaton) [recount]
1997 Godspeed You Black Emperor!, "F# A# ∞"
1996: Swans, "Soundtracks for the Blind" (Young God)