Director Doug Pray has easily made one of the most entertaining documentaries since his own 'American Pimp' and possibly the most entertaining musical documentary ever. 'Scratch' explores the hip-hop world of the DJ and turntablism (sorry, no Otomo Yoshihide or Thomas Brinkmann here), with interviews of legendary superheroes Afrika Bambaataa, DXT (Herbie Hancock's "Rockit"), Jazzy Jay (Soulsonic Force), and GrandWizzard Theodore (who many point to as the inventor of the scratching) as well as some of today's superstars Mix Master Mike, Q-bert, DJ Shadow, Cut Chemist, and Rob Swift. Pray gets rather intimate with people like Q-bert, who thinks he's communicating with alien beings, Mix Master Mike, who lets you in on a few secrets about making custom records to Shadow, who's basement record collection mess is fucking mindblowing. Pray's film takes him to DJ competitions in NY, a record warehouse in Phoenix, an afterschool outreach program for children based in San Francisco and numerous places in between. Through a flawless film-editng job, different subjects are introduced and probed, like the evolution of the DJ out from behind the MC, to the art of "digging" (Kieran Hebden, can't stop thinking about you), to the acceptance of the DJ as a musician alongside traditional musicians like guitarists, drummers, etc. At 90 minutes I'm dying for this film to go on and on and on. I honestly can't wait for the DVD so I can own this and watch it again and again, but it's something special to see on the big screen with a boomin' soundsystem. Unfortunately, it's only out on the road on a limited run, so find out if it's playing near you at or at sputnik7. If you're in any of those cities and honestly consider yourself a music fan, mark it on your calendar and don't miss it. -