The three with subtitles happen to be the most striking and make thedisc worth owning. "Allegro Vivace", 'drum 'n bass for grandorchestra', is just that, a clever explosion of d n' b rhythms lacedwith piano, horns and other orchestral instrumentation. "The TerminalBeach", 'permutazione for chamber ensemble', is of course based upon(and borrows lines from) the book of the same name by science fictionwriter J.G. Ballard. Here Koschka conjures up a dramatic amalgamationof beats, break downs, piano flurries, dancing bells and woodwinds invarying tempos. "Homage a Morton F.", 'ambiento con una frase forchamber orchestra', is obviously an homage to legendary NYC basedcomposer Morton Feldman. Slowly piecing together piano chords, strings,harpsichord strums and a slow jazzy rhythm, the highly cinematic trackis a fitting conclusion.
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