Now available from BRAVEMYSTERIES.COM

CQBL002 | Kinit Her | Divine Names | c30 
[Limited edition 20 Silver on Blue | 80 Silver on Black]
New full length album from our beloved Janus-headed ur-folk brethren of thee Midwest, Kinit Her have been releasing dense and gorgeous music for the last three years and these new compositions have the most developed, deep and intimate sounds of any Kinit Her releases. Founded as a trio in 2007, one of their founding members has recently retired from music to enjoy family life out in the country, sadly leaving only two close brothers still huddled around the cauldron. In the absence of their musical kin, Kinit Her journeys on, gathering what they find along the path, filling their hearts and sounds with an ever-deepening sorrow gained from their search for real meaning through the tainted veils of the modern world, a sorrow diluted only by the dim glimmering of hope offered by occult insights into what lies behind those veils. The music presented here includes an epic working that covers all of side A, progressing from a ritual howling at the edge of Ain Soph to a pensive woodland march, winding it's way to devastation and madness. Side B follows with some their most unique yet accessible songcraft to date, a stunning set of new songs, showing the careful influence of Neoclassical and Early musics. Sounding organic tone-mantras from shofar horns, bending sweetened notes on beaten twelve-string guitars, intoning a harmonized enumeration of spells and dreams, backed by weeping string and brass arrangements with lush acoustic ephemera twinkling on the peripherals of everything, twisting arcane runes into the cyber sigils of tomorrow, with their smoldering mysticism filling the spaces in between each sound, this soft duo have become hard, turning the world upside down and following the lessons of modernity to find their birthrights in the spirit of the god-fearing troubadours of old.

All cassettes are professionally duplicated and imprinted on high-bias chrome tapes and are delivered individually shrink-wrapped. Colored tapes are shipped first come first serve only.
PPD $7-USA | $8-CAN | $10-WORLD
PayPal bravemysteries[at]

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