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Taiga Remains, Painted Sea

Alex Cobb's Taiga Remains project has always catapulted aural sparks into the foreground, but this 3" CDR pretty much destroys all competition. Burning huge sunspot holes into the hear-and-now this packs more heat than Schwarzenegger used to before he went political/uber-fascistic, and without the aggression.

First Person

Saturating sound of images of some huge bizarre and charred Blakeian monstrosity, this single 11 minute track spills heat like a wrecked oven. With everything here generated from the manipulation of acoustic guitar and delay, the focused intensity is surprisingly powerful. The sitar-like buzzing sounds like cat gut strings burned chokingly taut by sunlight. But instead of careering incontinently into white-out there are creeping burnt edges, melting slowly into gold instead of blackening and curling. Shimmering single drones delicately waver like a choir of "om"ers that sidle up to the shake of forty tambourine shaking priestesses. Even the can't-be-human sounding groaning drones underneath can’t make this release sound it’ll do anything other than boil your eyes.