- Jason Olariu
- Albums and Singles

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- Mark Weddle
- Albums and Singles
order: www.swans.pair.comRead More
- Mark Weddle
- Albums and Singles
This is the first time I've reviewed something without actuallylistening to it all beforehand ... but do you know how long it's goingto take to hear all of these tracks? Quite a long time. Someday when Ihave a lot of free time on my hands I'll sit down and do it and maybetape them off.
Anyways, I dropped the needle randomly several dozen times on bothsides for this write-up. What I heard were short (a few seconds apiece)found sound style loops of just about everything you can imagine:whirs, clicks, whistles, buzzes, drones, clankings, bangings,scrapings, industrial noises, electronics, drums/percussion, dialoguebits and undescribeable samples and collages. A lot of reallyinteresting sounds here ... quite a few you can leave repeating for agood length of time. The record comes in a neatly designed b/w gatefoldsleeve inside a clear bubblewrap cover with the full list of artists onthe inside. This is one of those items you own just because it's uniqueand cool, show off to all your friends and don't necessarily spin allthat often. Art, for cheap, at around $10 ...
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- Carter Adams
- Albums and Singles
- Carter Adams
- Albums and Singles
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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles

- Bug Powder Dust (the better version - from the UK CD)
- Sleepyhead (with Bim Sherman)
- Somewhere
- Bug Powder Dust (the crummy US CD version - just for comparison sake)
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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles

Sure, everybody's heard rave things about him and his music but anyone who's bought one of the albums or seen him in concert has thought there could be something more. This is it. The album is clean and clear, all the music flows well and at the end I'm hitting play again. It's not far from the first few albums - a little drum and bass, some loungey organ tunes, choral vocal samples all mixed in with an appropriate progression.
"I've Lost That Loving Feline" and "Stone Cold Said So" wash over the listener as very nice punchy beat tunes with pretty samples taking the front stage. The second track, "What is it With You?" hits me with a keyboard progression all to remeniscent of Architecture and Morality-era OMD, while the 11-minute "Are You Still a Cliche?" just blows me away with its grand and beautiful sounding acoustic forward/reverse guitar - combined with solo vocalist and orchestral samples. An easy contender for a Lynch film broken hearted dream sequence.
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- Jason Olariu
- Albums and Singles
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- Carter Adams
- Albums and Singles
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- Mark Weddle
- Albums and Singles
Two words set the Fluxion and Hallucinator discs apart: tedious andenthralling, respectively. Most of "Vibrant Forms" is missing the "it",the subtle ebb and flow of changing rhythms and textures, that makesthis music so beautiful. Most of these tracks put the beat in theforefront and do little to pull you in thanks to less than exciting andrarely shifted loops. Two of the 10 tracks, which happen to be thelongest at 9:30 +, have "it" while the rest are difficult to sitthrough. "Landlocked" on the other hand has "it" from start to finish.These tracks are ambient journeys, most of which happen to have somesort of beat and/or bass line. Hallucinator use a wider set of styles(ambient, techno, bits of dub, tribal and jazz) and palette of sounds(thick textured washes, water, sampled clankings, bell tones, synthnoises) to create one of the more diverse, yet cohesive, set of tracksof any CR cd to date.
"Round One to Round Five 1993-99" collects all of the Main Street 12"sreleased between 1994 and 1999. The first two rounds are thumpin'upbeat house tracks featuring Andy Caine on vocals. In all honesty, Ihave trouble discerning a good house track from a bad house track ...but these 2 are at least tolerable. I much prefer the "Chicago'sTwisted" and 2 dub mixes which strip out most of the vocals and aremore in the CR style. The next three rounds feature Tikiman's smoothreggae vocals and corresponding dub versions. These tracks are in theexact same spacey-dub vein as the 1998 Rhythm and Sound w/Tikiman"Showcase" cd from Burial Mix. Great stuff, but only if you want more.To recap: thumbs up for the Hallucinator and Round One to Round Five,thumbs down for Fluxion. Bang for your buck: "Vibrant Forms" is the'shortest' of the 3 clocking in at just under 70 minutes while "RoundOne.." comes in just shy of 80 minutes! Next up from Chain Reaction areArovane "Atol Scrap" via Din on January 25th and Vladislav Delay"Militia" on February 8th ...
- Fluxion - Atol Scrap
- Fluxion - Fove Centralis
- Fluxion - Pendoulous
- Round Two feat. Andy Caine - New Day
- Round Four feat. Tikiman - Find a Way
- Round Five feat. Tikiman - Na Fe Throw It
- Hallucinator - Red Angel
- Hallucinator - Hallucinator
- Hallucinator - Sethos
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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles
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