- Administrator
- Albums and Singles

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- Brian Bieniowski
- Albums and Singles

I've never feltWillson-Piper's lyrics to be his strong point. However, most of thewords on the songs here are clever and charming without any pretense(which I certainly can't say about Steve Kilbey's solo stuff). And hisguitar work is as stunning and beautiful as it has always been. I'm noteven going to get into the harmonies on some of the tracks like"Sanctuary"...I'll just get gushy which is really rather disgusting. Ireally can't recommend this CD enough to people who just want somemusic to bliss out to on a rainy afternoon with a lover.
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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles

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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles

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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles
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- Brian Bieniowski
- Albums and Singles
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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles

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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles
It's a German 2xCD release of exclusive tracks from Tortoise, Isotope217, Mick Turner, Bobby Conn, Pullman, Bundy K. Brown, Ken Vandermark5, Chicago Underground Duo, Freakwater and many many more. While it'san excellent collection of some of these bands finer songs and amust-have for any fan of these bands, I'm left wondering what's thepoint? Did this German 'discover' these bands? It's not as if theyhaven't been touring all around Europe for the last 5 years or more,really. I haven't seen it on this side of the water yet but I haveheard word that it is avaialble through various mail order outlets.Full with a big booklet with words in German (translated into English)and loads of pictures of bulls, it's a great bargain!
- Tortoise - Jetty 99
- Bobby Conn - The Whistler
- Mick Turner - Sunny Xmas Day
- Chicago Underground Duo - King Cobra
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- Jon Whitney with Andrew Shires
- Albums and Singles

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- Ross Owen Katz
- Albums and Singles
Off World Sounds has some screwy catalogue numbers. For instance, Sassi & Loco's 'Bibleopoly' CDS (the label's first release) is catalogue number OFF1, while the various artists compilation, 'Cooking With Gas' on 12" vinyl is catalogue number OFFWORLD1. Furthermore, the CD version of 'Cooking With Gas' is catalogue number OFFCD3.
By the way, for those of you into Fila Brazillia you'll find the track 'Speewah' on 'Cooking With Gas'. Also worth mentioning is the various artist compilation 'Heat Electric'; available on 12" vinyl (OFFWORLD4) and CD (OFFCD5).
There is hope for all you mad trainspotters who have been attempting to round up all of the compilations that feature one of the four or five odd Sassi & Loco tracks. Rumour has it that Stephen Mallinder is planning to release a retrospective of the duo's 18 month studio output. The retrospective should feature 'Bibleopoly' and 'Orange Street' from the 'Bibleopoly' EP, 'Away Away', 'Tommy Roberts', 'Lost Loco' from the 'Trans Pacific Express' compilation, as well as other exclusive mixes.
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- Daniel McKernan
- Albums and Singles

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