- Daniel McKernan
- Albums and Singles

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- Daniel McKernan with Jon Whitney
- Albums and Singles
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- Jon Whitney and Andrew Shires
- Albums and Singles

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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles
Ryan Moore makes it sound so easy. He's become a natural at the Dub Soundystem project.
Over the last five years, his progress has moved into utilizing more electronic and organic instruments while staying true to the ideals of old school dubmasters. Organs and pianos echo, sub atomic bass lines swirl mesmerizing any listener caught in its path, new chimes ring in (almost never heard before), drum beats remain simple and reverberate in loops which end perfectly. The feelings are still there of a desolate scene in a hot western ghost town, or driving for hours in the desert. Listening to this sometimes makes me wish I enjoyed pot smoking as I can picture this would be a great soundtrack to chilling out with meaningless conversation, passing the coochie on the left hand side. Gosh that sounds tacky!
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- Scott Lundquist
- Albums and Singles
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- Administrator
- Albums and Singles
I saw this bandlive about 4 years ago as one of five people in the audience and wascompletely stunned by their insane and delightfully tastelessperformance. I hadn't heard anything about them since, so needless tosay, I was very surprised to see this 7" turn up. The music isincredibly amusing, and highly innovative in its own ways. Using aplethora of eccentric samples, they combine a kind of extreme congodancin' funk to create this surreal music. This release also comes witha free ingrown toenail! Definitely for fans of Negativland, Nurse withWound, Volcano and the Bear, and the likes. They have several otherreleases available through their record label, Nerve Rust, which youcan contact at Box 211, Athens, GA, 30603, USA. Tell them Brainwashedsent you.
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- Daniel McKernan
- Albums and Singles

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- Mark Weddle
- Albums and Singles
- Mark Weddle
- Albums and Singles

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- Jon Whitney
- Albums and Singles
- Daniel McKernan
- Albums and Singles
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