Brainwashed Radio: The Podcast Edition

Cow in Maui from Veronika in Vienna

Two new shows just for you.

We have squeezed out two extended release episodes for this weekend to get you through this week. They contain mostly new songs but there's also new issues from the vaults.

The first show features music from Rider/Horse, Mint Field, Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, Anastasia Coope, ISAN, Stone Music, La Securite, Bark Psychosis, Jon Rose, Master Wilburn Burchette, Umberto, Wand, Tim Koh, Sun An, and Memory Drawings.

The second episode has music by Laibach, Melt-Banana, Chuck Johnson, X, K. Yoshimatsu, Dorothy Carter, Pavel Milyakov, Violence Gratuite, Mark Templeton, Dummy, Endon, body / negative, Midwife, Alberto Boccardi, Divine.

Cow in Maui from Veronika in Vienna.

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HOCHENKEIT, "omu4h 4aholab / 400 boys"

Portland-based Hochenkeit's second album "omu4h 4aholab" (which isapparently a transliteration of the Mayan phrase "400 boys") is acollection of space-rock jams that fall somewhere between early livePink Floyd and Amon DÙÙl II. The album opens with "Seen," a mellowtrack that builds a very Middle Eastern inspired groove around crashingpercussion and a Harmonium drone. The Pink Floyd influence on the bandshows through "Two Fish Kissing," this time with a rather Indiansounding drone and Turkish mandolin. The drones cease temporarilyduring the opening of "To Be Born Drunk and Die Dreaming," which buildsand twists not unlike a rather funky ragga, each member of the bandsoloing here and there until a screaming wall of noise has been built.The funk vibe continues into "Give Them To the Ants," where a groove isformed and Middle Eastern touches are improvised over it. "400 Boys" isthe first of a pair of fourteen minute jams that close the album. Itis, for the most part, a series of drones by guitar, Harmonium, violin,and sax, with the occasional appearance of cymbals. The song goes on alittle bit too long, though. "Please Turn Out the Sun" finishes thealbum nearly where it started, with Middle Eastern percussion and alight drone. It builds in a way that reminds me of the first Godspeedyou black emperor! album, methodically adding drums, guitar,synthesizer tones and sampled speech; the guitar and Harmoniumeventually take over and the song suddenly becomes a depressedpost-rock jam. Finally, the drones and percussion from "400 Boys"return for the last few minutes of the track. What Hochenkeit do withthe space-rock sound is nothing short of beautiful, and they do itwithout poorly repeating the 70s like many of their contemporaries.



maximilian hecker, "infinite love song"

Berlin's Kitty-Yo label continue their obsession with proto-pop withthe introduction of Max Hecker on this brand new 7"/CD single. On thetitle track, the lush production, catchy tune and uplifting melody isquite infectious by the time it reaches its climax, the text is almostpainfully repetitious. Almost the same can be said for the second song,"White". A rather dull verse goes nowhere, the vocals are so boringthey need overprocessing, but the chorus is still somewhat emotionallycharged. Getting there is not half the fun but the destination ismildly rewarding. Definitely worth a couple bucks, but not the price ofmost import CD singles. Hecker's got something, but it's still indevelopment. Give him a couple of years to begin wooing the worldwideaudiences. Disgustingly enough, I find these songs stuck in my headlong after they're over. He must be doing something right.




It comes to you in a plain plastic jewel case. Then again maybe itdoesn't, as there are only 954 of these double CD's from Lopez'floating label, Absolute. This release, facilitated by London basedlabel Touch, brings together one long piece from each composer,constructed with only white noise as a source material. Karkowski'smassive rumbling slow motion hurricane force white disc is the moreimmediately impressive of the two. With only white noise to manipulate,the soundfield is perhaps rather monochramatic, but there is no lack ofaction and the brightness and contrast controls are spun to theirextremes. It starts out deceptively quietly and rises to a floorshaking crescendo before abruptly cutting off. Slowly high sonicswooshes pan from speaker to speaker. It continues with variations onthese effects, and the dominant elements are a fairly constant deepbass drone and ever shifting mid to high end controlled bursts ofnoise. About halfway through it rises to obliterating whiteout, beforethe hurricane shifts to the calm eye for a while, with just a low pulseshadow left. Then slowly the whirlwind picks up again. Experience allthe fun of an avalanche from the comfort of your armchair!
On the black disc, Francisco Lopez latterly takes things to minimalextremes with such low level white noise splinters and burnt out coldsilhouette drones they're almost beyond perception. It starts out witha low level rumble like a busy motorway polluting the air in thedistance. Suddenly the cars are driving right under the floorboards andsmoke comes rising through the cracks! Soon the room is choking. Lopezseems more content to let the same pitches drone away for much longerthan on the comparatively teeming Karkowski piece, minutely dabbingmore and more black into the sound picture. Your mum's vacuum cleanernever sounded so good! Around twelve minutes in there's an abrupt cutoff and the listener is dropped into Lopez' realm of microscopic soundshadows that redefine the word 'ambient' (could it be 'nonbient'?) andhave the ears straining as babies howl, birds twitter and motors rumbleoutside. Six minutes later, gas leak hisses begin and careless matchesare struck and blowtorches scorch the walls, then march rhythmicallyout the door and into the city, razing everything in their path. Theyfiddled with computers whilst the world burnt.



m2, "Parsec"

Parsec: A unit of astronomical length based on the distance from Earth at which stellar parallax is one second of arc and equal to 3.258 light-years, 3.086 × 1013 kilometers, or 1.918 × 1013 miles.

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needle sharing, "my kind came first"

 Also out on Hands right now is the full-length release from Panacea'sboy-toy, Needle Sharing. If 'Parsec' was the soundtrack to the creepyspace station which has fallen out of the Earth's orbit into aperpetual drift, this album surely can provide the music for the attackby alien life forms which surely signal the impending doom for everycrew member. Needle Sharing is clearly part of the aggressive, darkdrum 'n bass movement that flies angrily in the face of the lighterstuff. (I could swear he's sampling punch sounds from cartoons, tv andmovies!) Hence, you'll often find him at many anti-candy-raver eventslike the recent Fuck Parade. Needle Sharing's energy is fierce andunbridled, but his aggression could use a little more direction if thisis to be album-worthy. While this stuff could work wonders in dark, hotclubs with loads of sweaty kids, I feel the music should be morecrafted for listening at home, car or elsewhere. Of course, if you'relooking for a bloody all-out brawl of electronic aggression and noise,this has got your name all over it!




The follow up to the excellent Laboratory Series One compilation, whichset the scene pretty well as far as new experimental music inManchester and nearby towns and hovels goes, is a 20 minute EP fromPlanetsounds main man Dave Clarkson. He used to drum for the rock freakout combo White Cube which also included notorious nutter Lord Mongoamongst its ranks and has more recently been spotted on stageperforming with the fluid and inventive Triclops collective. Under theguise of Illuminati he shows off the computer music side of hismultiple sonic personalities.
The opening track 'Constantinople' is based on a loop so long it givesthe illusion of a shifting, explosive electro-acoustic piece, with bigrumbles and panning whooshes so beloved of many composers with Frenchnames. 'Winter Fire' couldn't be more different, with a slowly strummedaquatic guitar underpinning some mashed speech gibberish. Hertzlow is aquick burst of noise that's so short you can download the entire trackbelow. Argenteum Astrum is a rip roaring bubbling industrial technoidconcoction that'll get your bowels moving whilst its creator chuckles,and I'm kind of regreting not making a sample of it as it's turning outto be my favourite track. The final track 'Seaghost of Snape' seems tomash up bits of all the other tracks over a rising three note synthfigure that wouldn't sound out of palace on a mid period Autechrerecord, although that's the only similarity. Want another lazyreference? Well, if you like Throbbing Gristle's '20 Jazz Funk Greats'you might also like this.



Superdrag, "In The Valley Of Dying Stars"

Formed in Knoxville, TN, Superdrag released a few singles and EPs onDarla and Arena Rock before signing with Elektra Records to releasetheir debut LP, "Regretfully Yours." That's the one with their big"Buzz Bin" hit single "Sucked Out." It was a bit of a fright, really.John Davis, their gregarious frontman, screaming at what seems to bebeyond his register, "Who sucked out the feeLANG?!" This was rawk. Nowonder Elektra went after them. Their next record, also on Elektra,"Head Trip In Every Key," showed the band maturing into a more melodic,grounded sound, while they still had their Kinks/Beatles/Romanticspower-pop moments. Ultimately, though, super stardom escaped them, andthey returned to the studio after a headlining club tour to start workon their follow-up. Elektra had optioned their next three releases, andwere eager for an album to push that, as they saw it, better reflectedthe "Sucked Out" sound. Superdrag emerged from the studio with thisrelease, their third full-length, "In The Valley Of Dying Stars." AndElektra didn't hear a single. They told the band to go back in and makesome more power pop magic. Why is it always Elektra in these stories,anyway? So Superdrag asked to be let out of their contract, and Elektraagreed. So they returned to Arena Rock, and re-worked "Valley," thoughreportedly not much needed to be altered. It may sound cliche, but it'scertainly no surprise: "Valley" is their finest work to date. Foundingmember Tom Pappas left the group shortly before recording, a voidfilled by Sam Powers, a perfect foil for Davis in the vocal department.The sound of the record is dirtier than the others ("Oooh! It evenSOUNDS indie!"), but that's hardly a detriment to these songs. Therecord is dedicated to the memory of Davis' father, and some of thesongs reflect this loss. But the prevailing theme here is one Davisstarted on "Head Trip": the whoredom of the music industry. Not a freshtopic, but one that Davis certainly gets mileage on. The opening track,"Keep It Close To Me," impresses with its pounding drums and hookyguitar crunch, and the lyrics make it the ultimate kiss-off: "I wantrock and roll but I don't want to deal with the hassle/I know what Iknow but I don't want to feel like an asshole." Davis' vocals havecertainly improved, as he seems more comfortable in his range andstyle. The swagger is bigger and better, and the band's shuck and jivekicks the ever-loving hell out of most bands these days. The sound iseven meatier with Powers, a noticeable improvement. If you want to hearsome solid, formidable rock, you can't go wrong with this release,originally put out in September of last year but widely ignored. Giveit a try.



stars as eyes, "freedom rock"

The Rhode Island-based duo has their first full-length release nowavailable on Tigerbeat6. Clearly this is first effort, as theinstrumentation is decent (they're good enough to get somebody'sattention) but the songwriting skills are somewhat bland. For the firsthalf of the disc, the duo delivers a pleasant but rather sluggish blendof 4/4 beats, unobtrusive melodies, sub-dub noodlings, and colorings ofglitch and sonic glitter. The album gets rather lengthy at points, butdon't underestimate the power of pleasantness, and about mid-waythrough the album the mood certainly becomes more well-defined. On thewhole, this could have been a stronger release if they both started itaround track eight and didn't try so hard to be clever with the songtitles. While it's not bad, and can be quite colorful aural wallpaper,it's nothing that demands high attention. Maybe being a friend of 606just isn't enough to make for a great album release.



arovane_phonem, "aer (valid)"

Slightly more dull in the composition department but more creativelyglitchy in the production is the collaborative effort between Uwe Zahnand Eliot Perkins, more commondly known as Arovane and Phonem. Out ofthe eight seemingly endless tracks here, four are collaborations whileeach each supply two on their own. It seems like an interestingmatch-up, as Arovane's a hardware-backed gearhead while Phonem's asoftware-based nerdy glitch boy. Once again the music's quite pleasant,but even more so than Stars as Eyes, I'm forcing myself to stay awake.The music on Aer is moderate-paced electronics, unobtrusive andunoffensive, but it's hardly as interesting as something like theaforementioned Phonecia, emotive as something like Boards of Canada,resourceful like Matmos or creative like a whole host of others.Perhaps this could be the start of a new sub-genre, SDM (sleepy dancemusic).



four tet, "pause"


Four Tet

Calling music like this "electronica" is a massive underestimation of what kind of work must go into a release like this. Of course, I hate that term anyway, so there you go. Four Tet, started as an off-shoot project for Kieran Hebden when he wasn't working on Fridge, is an interesting mix of programmed beats and sampled live instruments, often looped, to create soundscapes that can appeal to a great variety of listeners. Where other releases by bands who use these techniques come off sounding derivative, and often over work the concept (Manitoba is a perfect example, though Dan Snaith of Manitoba reportedly contributed to/helped inspire parts of "Pause"), Hebden seems to know just where to go with these tracks. The beats aren't the same canned beats you hear on many releases, and occasionally there are live drums, sampled though they are. In fact, it is the use of samples of live instruments that make this release so compelling. Strings, guitar, piano, and percussion certainly sound better in this mix than synth lines and beeps and whistles. I wish more artists in the genre would use this approach. "Parks" is where it all came together for me, with horns, vibes, and backwards guitar grounded by a driving, stuttering beat. Never mind the obligatory kids in the playground sound sample every band seems to want to use these days (see gybe!, tortoise, trans am, etc.). A few tracks, like the intriguing "Leila Came Round and We Watched A Video," are simple, beautiful, priceless. It's like the first time someone smiled at you: you felt warm inside, and you just wanted it to happen again, but you knew from now on it would never be the same. Music that provokes this level of visceral response, if possible, is the only kind of music I would like to listen to. Failing that, I will be sure to have Four Tet around always. This record affected me in a way I didn't expect. Hopefully it will have the same affect on you. "Pause" is out in the UK now, and will be released on these shores next month. You know what you have to do.

