Free CDs!

It's a new year and Brainwashed is always looking for new writers. People still email Brainwashed saying how much they appreciate being turned on to some of the most innovative music so let's keep it going.  We're looking for new writers to cover all genres, but most specifically the music that the mainstream still hasn't picked up on.


Here's how it works: contact us with a sample of a review—it doesn't need to be current—and somebody will get back to you with their assessment of your writing and find out your level of committment and availability. Before long you'll have more free CDs than you have time for!  

Keep in mind some of the guidelines:

  • Keep it relatively brief, direct and to-the-point, and interesting to read
  • By being more descriptive you can avoid clichés, abstract sub-genre absurdity, and comparisons to other groups
  • Use English the same way you talk with your friends
  • Write like you're telling your friends how you feel about the music you're featuring

Thanks for your interest and good luck!