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Gareth Hardwick, "I Dream of Red"

This exceptional single track of bliss on lone droner Hardwick’s debut 3" CD-R runs into nearly eighteen minutes of steadily yearning cloud nine emissions. Wrapped in a garish Celebrate Psi Phenomenon label style wallpaper sample, the music is thankfully made with much better taste.

Low Point

Almost as soon as the song begins there are gossamer sinewy strands of sound that peel away from the song’s main tone. Unlike much music that heads out into ambient space this doesn’t just drift along without any purpose. It moves finely from melodic idea to melodic idea on its dawn-stoned and bleary eyed journey. Its difficult to tell whether the sounds are sourced electronically or whether its born of six strings but ether way (or anyway) they’re as close to transcendence as its possible to be by human means.

A title containing ‘red’ leads the mind to traditional values associated with that colour; this seems more likely to lead to dreams of blue or white. Deep breaths are held tightly and expelled slowly as chord by chord washes away into a comedown spiral and fade out. "I Dream of Red" moves with a naturally evolving and uncoiling evolutionary movement from start to finish.