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Robot vs. Rabbit, "Trading the Witch for the Devil"

Mandragora Records
I am a sucker for evil primitive psychedelic sludge. This obscure NorthCarolina crew is banking on the fact that there will be one of me bornevery minute to buy their records. Anchored steadfast in the darkerregisters of sound and philosophies, this band makes a lot from alittle, suctioning tribal rhythms and fierce winds through statickyburlap. This is unintended ghost voice recordings type of stuff—lots ofreversed sounds for the backmasking fans out there. Manybands/musicians out there could take a lesson in heavy atmosphere fromthese guys. If you are looking for points of reference, I'd saysomewhere between Gravitar and early scary Current 93 (sans vocals).They do have a unique sound, though, and an impressive range over the14 tracks on this CD. My only complaint is that some of the bestmusical ideas are cut short - I would love to see them expanded live.
