Brainwashed Radio: The Podcast Edition

Cow in Maui from Veronika in Vienna

Two new shows just for you.

We have squeezed out two extended release episodes for this weekend to get you through this week. They contain mostly new songs but there's also new issues from the vaults.

The first show features music from Rider/Horse, Mint Field, Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, Anastasia Coope, ISAN, Stone Music, La Securite, Bark Psychosis, Jon Rose, Master Wilburn Burchette, Umberto, Wand, Tim Koh, Sun An, and Memory Drawings.

The second episode has music by Laibach, Melt-Banana, Chuck Johnson, X, K. Yoshimatsu, Dorothy Carter, Pavel Milyakov, Violence Gratuite, Mark Templeton, Dummy, Endon, body / negative, Midwife, Alberto Boccardi, Divine.

Cow in Maui from Veronika in Vienna.

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Sianspheric, "The Sound of the Colour of the Sun"

Canadian space rock ensemble Sianspheric have been making music since1994, despite several key line-up changes that might make lesser bandsthrow in the towel.
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Swans, "The Great Annihilator"

One of the few remaining pieces of the digipacked and remastered re-issue puzzle, 1994's The Great Annihilator is reclaimed from Invisible Records for Michael Gira's own Young God Records.
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Troum, "Tjukurrpa (Part Two: Drones)"

While I had always enjoyed what I've heard from Troum and Maeror Tri,it was the first part in their 'Trilogy' ('Harmonies') which made mefall in love. Be warned, however, as the second part in the trilogy isnot nearly as gentle as part one. Ironically, 'Drones' is not 100%drones, a characteristic of a number of their other releases.
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Andy Warhol: The Complete Picture (Channel 4 (England, Scotland) 8pm Sundays (3 parts)).

What is there to say about this program? Well, if your an obsessive who loves to know everything about a particular subject, then this program will definitely appeal. If you're not, then you probably don't have a record collection and aren't worth talking to.

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Tausendschoen, "Yonmade"

Ex-members of Maeror Tri are behind this atmospheric, beat-orientatedalbum which stands somewhere in between traditional German electronicpioneers and current artists like Maju and the more experimentalstructures of Zoviet France.
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The second in Mancester based RSI label's Spilt Signals series bringstogether a pair of unique improvising duos from the North of England.
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Sugar Plant, "Dryfruit"

Was it worth paying the expensive amounts for shipping from Japan? No.Does this album deserve a worldwide release? Yes. Sugar Plant is one ofthe world's premiere technologically-friendly dream pop combos.
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"Unbearable Candies"

The first CD from the London-based Unbearable Recordings label is acollection of music which previously only existed on a series of 7"records.
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"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Twisted Nerve But Were Afraid to Ask"

Following that palpitating heart over Misty Dixon last week, someresearch was actually conducted. Turns out Misty's not a person, but aquartet from Manchester. I can't find any albums yet but there is atrack on this compilation, "Misty Dixon and some other less-significantfriends or something" (don't believe what the record label tells you).
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"The Legendary Pink Box"

While I have always loved the music on the Pink Box, I have always hadissues with the CD version.
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