Brainwashed Radio: The Podcast Edition

Cow in Maui from Veronika in Vienna

Two new shows just for you.

We have squeezed out two extended release episodes for this weekend to get you through this week. They contain mostly new songs but there's also new issues from the vaults.

The first show features music from Rider/Horse, Mint Field, Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, Anastasia Coope, ISAN, Stone Music, La Securite, Bark Psychosis, Jon Rose, Master Wilburn Burchette, Umberto, Wand, Tim Koh, Sun An, and Memory Drawings.

The second episode has music by Laibach, Melt-Banana, Chuck Johnson, X, K. Yoshimatsu, Dorothy Carter, Pavel Milyakov, Violence Gratuite, Mark Templeton, Dummy, Endon, body / negative, Midwife, Alberto Boccardi, Divine.

Cow in Maui from Veronika in Vienna.

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Having spent the better part of the past ten years successfully fusinglarge ensemble jazz with electronic-based music(s) for a fresh andinteresting take, Norwegian collective, Jaga Jazzist, have refinedtheir chops and compositions for their fourth official release, What We Must.
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The Exposures, "Lost Recordings 2000-2004"

Perhaps electronic music's most "obscure known" collective, TheExposures began their music careers in the late 1970s as anonymoustelevision composers, creating uncredited background music forcommercials and short films on a major German television station.
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Brendan Murray, "Resting Places"

Brendan Murray is one of the most unsung practitioners of experimentalmusic in Boston's fertile scene. This beautifully crafted set of fourpieces should do much to raise his profile. As the tracks were recordedover a period of three years, each track has a slightly different feel.Murray has strengthened the set by choosing a universal theme (varioustypes of resting places) and representing it in different ways throughcareful editing.
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Music as abstract as that made over the years by Dylan Carlson's Earthlends itself to wildly variant interpretations by various people, whoread different motives into the music based on their preconceivednotions and unconscious desires. For a generation of Seattle grungescenesters, Earth were purveyors of speaker-rumbling, slow-motionheroin rock, the gloomy grunge aesthetic taken to its logical extreme.
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Aural Rage is the work of engineer and producer Danny Hyde, who isprobably best known for working with Coil during the group'stransitional period from the late 1980s to the mid-90s, a period thatincluded some of Coil's most accessible works, Love's Secret Domain, the Backwardssessions, and remixes for Nine Inch Nails and Depeche Mode.
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Manual, "Azure Vista"

Jonas Munk's most recent releases have been a series of collaborationswith Jess Kahr, Syntaks, and Icebreaker International, the two formerbeing band-mates of Munk's in Limp, but in his first autonomous releasesince 2002's Ascend,Manual sounds more like his less beat-driven songs from his 12" onHobby Industries (compare a song like "I-dawn").
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Jonathan Coleclough & Lethe, "Long Heat"

Any doubt that the term "drone," as applied to this sort of music, iscompletely and ridiculously misleading should be eliminated afterlistening to this recording. While all sorts of pulsing tones are usedand thrown away on Long Heat,the most noticeable aspect this collaboration is that it never sitsstill or relies on constant droning sounds to achieve its ratherconfusing effect.

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Kammerflimmer Kollektief, "Absencen"

I'm having difficulty imagining a sound more alluring than the one produced by this German sextet. Two years ago, Cicadidaeput me under its spell and maintained a constant spot on my late-nightlistening play list. The band has tightened up for their latest releaseand managed to outdo themselves.

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13+God is the final product of an intensive 17-day studiocollaboration between vaunted German electro-pop outfit The Notwist andUS-based ambitious free-range "rappers" Themselves. Unlikelybedfellows, a common admiration for each others' work led to thetrans-Atlantic tete-e -tete, which originally began with home-madeNotwist remixes of tracks from Themselves' avant-garde LP The No Music.All the disparate elements of both groups—Notwist-staple dreamy, catchyhooks and scattered computerized percussion; themselves' esoteric andhalf-growled, half-whined verses—are noticeably present and,surprisingly, mesh quite well together.
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ADULT., "D.U.M.E."

Though it did make me chuckle back when I read Jon Whitney's scathingreview in which he unfavorably compared the duo to a pair of untrainedmonkeys playing with a drum machine, I actually always liked Adult's Resuscitation.
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