Datacide: Magazine for Noise and Politics, "Issue Eleven"

cover image The articles in Datacide Eleven are just the sort of critical discourse, on subjects I am endeared to, that I have been hungering to read. When it came in the mail I nearly devoured it all in one sitting. After gorging I had to slow down, due to the density of the information, even though I’m used to binge reading. It was like stuffing down a big bowl of pasta only to groan later when it has expanded to the point of bloating. Expanding the brain instead of the gut is healthier in the long run, though it still takes time to digest and absorb. But when it comes to studying up on the culture of Reggae sound sytems, of pirate radio signals leaking out from the margins into the mainstream, the paranoid and the conspiracy ridden underpinnings of the Tea Party Movement, it is the kind of work I’m willing to do in order to lead a robust textual life.

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Nigel Ayers, "Network News"

cover image My reading habits are especially flippant, in that I flip through the pages of books in no prescribed order. Since I am usually engaged in reading multiple books at one time, things can get confusing. I have since given up for the most part, trying to read books in any kind of order, but just open them up at random and start with whatever interests me, except if they are fiction where a linear read is generally (but not always) necessary to get the story. More often than not when I open up to a random page I find something that is extremely relevant for me personally. Network News is perfect for this kind of divinatory reading.

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Feral Debris, "Issue Two"

This photocopied and folded A4 zine comes with a free eight track CD-R Feral Debris Vol. 2, which is pretty essential if you give a damn about knowing your up-and-comers. The pieces by Throurouf, Robedoor and Blue Sabbath Black Cheer are particularly incredible, and rank up there with their strongest materal to date, exclusive to this release as far as I can tell.
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