
The 2024 Annual Brainwashed Readers Poll

Vote Round

And now it's time to vote. Please look through the list carefully and take your time and vote honestly. If you're not familiar with or didn't listen to a release listed here please do not vote for or against it, leave it at the default of "no opinion."

Voting will take place until around January 15, 2025. Results will be posted shortly thereafter.

Please be respectful of staff and the community - take your time and read _ALL_ the nominees

This is not a popularity contest nor a place to trash someone you don't like once again, don't vote for something you didn't listen to or an artist you don't like to begin with!. Brainwashed is a tiny group of volunteers writing for peers and we would like to keep things as pure as we can.

If acts or labels are found soliciting votes on their blogs, Web sites, or social media, they will not only be removed & disqualified but they also stand a chance of never being featured on Brainwashed again.

VOTE ONLY ONCE (unless you want the system to discard your _entire_ ballot!!)

Thanks for your time and honesty.

and the nominees are:

artist title format vote
1127 ض full-length
1900 Kontragarde full-length
+/- Further Afield full-length
0N4B Somewhere, left behind full-length
22 Beaches Dust: Recordings 1980-1984 full-length
90 Day Men We Blame Chicago boxed set
990x Ruins full-length
9T Antiope Horror Vacui full-length
A Bad Diana The Lights Are On But No One's Home full-length
A Certain Ratio Christmasville UK single/EP
A Certain Ratio It All Comes Down To This full-length
A Lily Saru l-Qamar full-length
A Lily Virgin Stoner: Works 2001-2004 full-length
a moth object six sols full-length
A Place To Bury Strangers Change Your God/It Is Time single/EP
A Place To Bury Strangers Chasing Colors/I Can Never Be As Great As You single/EP
A Place To Bury Strangers Don't Turn The Radio​/​This Is All For You single/EP
A Place To Bury Strangers Synthesizer full-length
A Place To Bury Strangers You'll Be There For Me/When You're Gone single/EP
A Taut Line Restoration full-length
A.M. Blue September single/EP
Aaron Dilloway Rozart Mix full-length
Aaron Landsman / Norman Westberg Night Keeper full-length
Able Noise High Tide full-length
Abul Mogard Live at the Athens Conservatoire full-length
Abul Mogard & Rafael Anton Irisarri Impossibly Distant, Impossibly Close full-length
Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. Trust Masked Replicants full-length
Acid Rooster Hall of Mirrors full-length
Actors Object of Desire single/EP
Actress Statik full-length
Adam Wiltzie Eleven Fugues for Sodium Pentothal full-length
ADRA Music for Psychiatric Wards and Fluid Structures full-length
Adriaan de Roover Other Rooms full-length
Adrián de Alfonso Viator full-length
Aerial M The Peel Sessions full-length
Aeson Zervas Aeson Zervas full-length
Aheloy! Deep In The Big Blue Dream full-length
Ahmed Giant Beauty boxed set
Ahmed Wood Blues full-length
Ahmed Malek Habibi Funk 027: Musique Originale De Films (Volume 2) full-length
Ai Oso Lone full-length
Aidan Baker | Han-earl Park | Katharina Schmidt Thoughts of Trio full-length
Aidan Baker and Dead Neanderthals Cast Down And Hunted full-length
Aircooled Eat the Gold full-length
Aisha Vaughan The Gate full-length
Ak’chamel Rawskulled full-length
Akio Suzuki Stone full-length
Akira Kosemura & Lawrence English Selene full-length
Akira Umeda Gueixa full-length
Alabaster dePlume Cremisan: Prologue To A Blade single/EP
Alain Goraguer Rare Soundtracks & Lost Tapes (1973 - 1984) full-length
Alameda 5 Spectra Volume 2 full-length
Alan Lamb Night Passage full-length
Alan Licht Havens full-length
Alan Sparhawk White Roses, My God full-length
Alber Jupiter Puis Vient La Nuit full-length
Alberto Boccardi Apnea full-length
Alcest Les Chants de l'Aurore full-length
Aleksandar Ordev Modular Sessions full-length
Alëna Korolëva Premonitions full-length
Alessandra Novaga The Artistic Image is Always a Miracle full-length
Alessandro Cortini Nati Infiniti full-length
Alex Keller Sleep room full-length
Alex Molo Look At Me single/EP
Alexander Melzak Substrates full-length
Alison Moyet Key full-length
Alliyah Enyo x Angel R Selkie Reflections full-length
Alva Noto Xerrox 5 full-length
Alvidrez Antiphon full-length
Alvin Curran Archeology - Archeologia full-length
AMATERASU 333 single/EP
amby downs garrawang + biderap: black field cricket mating song single/EP
amelia courthouse Broken Things full-length
Amkarahoi Uncle Reed In The Purple Mine full-length
Amyl & the Sniffers Cartoon Darkness full-length
ana reme key full-length
Anadol & Marie Klock La Grande Accumulation full-length
Anastasia Coope Darning Woman full-length
Anatolian Weapons Beyond single/EP
And also the trees Mother of Pearl Moon full-length
Andrew Anderson + Colin Sheffield Clarioned Elegies full-length
Andrew Chalk Songs of the Sea full-length
Andrew CS Caught in Pointers full-length
Andrew Spackman Milton Keynes Shopping Trip full-length
Andrey Kiritchenko Maria full-length
Angel R Mossed Capable Of Being Observant full-length
Angelo Harmsworth Without Blinking full-length
Angelyne Driven To Fantasy full-length
Anja Huwe Codes full-length
Anna Butterss Mighty Vertebrate full-length
Anne Gillis Aha full-length
Anne Gillis, Jac Berrocal, Vincent Epplay, Timo van Luijk Si()six full-length
Annelies Monseré I Sigh, I Resign full-length
Antarctica 23:03 single/ep
Anthony Moore Home of the Demo full-length
Anton Friisgaard Teratai Åkande full-length
Aperus Lost Tribe of the Shadow full-length
Aphex Twin Music From The Merch Desk (2016 - 2023) full-length
Aphex Twin Selected Ambient Works Volume II full-length
Apologist Philadelphia full-length
Arborra Arborra full-length
Aria Rostami Re-solving full-length
Ariel Kalma, Jeremiah Chiu & Marta Sofia Honer The Closest Thing to Silence full-length
Arif Mirbaghi,Kaveh Ghaffari,Farhad Asadi Nostalgie Vol.3 full-length
Arthur Russell In the Light of the Miracle single/EP
Artifacts & Uranium with Mitsuru Tabata Phase IV full-length
As One Requiem full-length
Aseethe The Cost full-length
Associated Sine Tone Services Associated Sine Tone Services full-length
Astrid Sonne Great Doubt full-length
Astrid Sonne Great Doubt EDITS full-length
Athur Russell (Dinosaur) Kiss Me Again single/EP
Attrition The Black Maria full-length
Audrey Riley Open Signal 5 - 11 full-length
Austyn Wohlers Bodymelt in the Garden of Death full-length
Ava Mendoza The Circular Train full-length
B. Rupp Pop Music full-length
Babe, Terror Pescadou Gualapagouse single/EP
Baldruin Mosaike der Imagination full-length
Bardo Pond Volume 9 full-length
Bark Psychosis Hex full-length
Bartosz Kruczyński Dreams & Whispers full-length
Başak Günak Rewilding full-length
Beak> >>>> (Four) full-length
Beatrice Dillon Seven Reorganisations full-length
Beautify Junkyards Nova full-length
Beige Banquet Ornamental Hermit full-length
Belong Realistic IX full-length
Ben Bertrand & Manah Depauw Black Zodiac full-length
Ben Frost Scope Neglect full-length
Ben Lukas Boysen Alta Ripa full-length
Ben Vida Vocal Trio full-length
Benoit Pioulard Op. 448, Adagio (Hallucination archive) single/EP
Bensin Detritus full-length
Bianca Scout Pattern Damage full-length
Big Blood Electric Voyeur full-length
Big Blood Electric Voyeur instrumentals full-length
Big Yawn NGBE full-length
BIG|BRAVE A Chaos Of Flowers full-length
Bigeneric Faol full-length
Bill Callahan Resuscitate! full-length
Bill Callahan The Holy Grail: Bill Callahan's "Smog" Dec. 20, 2001 Peel Session single/EP
Bill MacKay Locust Land full-length
Bill Nace Clips II full-length
Bill Orcutt How To Rescue Things full-length
Bill Ryder-Jones Iechyd Da full-length
Billow Observatory Soliton full-length
Birdie Some Dusty full-length
Bistro Boy Ambient Short Stories full-length
Bitter Wish Candle Finger full-length
Black & White Cat / Black & White Cake Black & White Cat / Black & White Cake full-length
Black Decelerant Reflections Vol. 2: Black Decelerant full-length
Black Nail Cabaret Chrysanthemum full-length
Black Pus Terrestrial Seethings full-length
Black Rain Neuromancer full-length
Blawan BouQ single/ep
Bleib Modern Bleib Modern full-length
Blind Seagull Decade of Effort full-length
Blomfelt i'm interested in apathy full-length
Blood Incantation Absolute Elsewhere full-length
Body Meπa Prayer in Dub full-length
Bonobo Expander full-length
Bòsc Bòsc full-length
Box5ive Grey Space full-length
Boys Life Home Is A Highway boxed set
Brama Brama full-length
Brendon Moeller Further full-length
Brendon Moeller Mirage full-length
Brendon Moeller Signal full-length
Brendon Moeller Vacuum full-length
Brian Duffy Instead Of Faint Spirit full-length
Brian Gibson Thrasher (Original Soundtrack) full-length
British Murder Boys Active Agents and House Boys full-length
Broadcast Distant Call - Collected Demos 2000​-​2006 full-length
Broadcast Spell Blanket - Collected Demos 2006-2009 full-length
Brontez Purnell No Jack Swing full-length
Brothertiger The Garden single/EP
Brunhild Ferrari Extérieur-jour full-length
Brute Spring Turquoise Window full-length
Budokan Boys Are You Sick? full-length
Bugman The Proto Push full-length
Build Buildings Ecotone full-length
Burial Dreamfear / Boy Sent From Above single/EP
Burial / Kode 9 Phoneglow / Eyes Go Blank single/EP
Byron Westbrook Translucents full-length
c_c Six Crossings full-length
C. Lavender Rupture in the Eternal Realm full-length
Camera Obscura Look to the East, Look to the West full-length
Camerata Mediolanense Atalanta Fugiens full-length
Can Live In Aston 1977 full-length
Can Live In Keele 1977 full-length
Can Live In Paris 1973 full-length
Canaan Amber CA full-length
Caribou Honey full-length
Caribou Volume single/EP
Carlos Giffoni Dream Walker full-length
Carlos Niño, Surya Botofasina, Adam Rudolph Live at Public Records 12/10/2022 full-length
Carme López Quintela full-length
Carmen Villain Nutrition EP single/EP
Carrier In Spectra single/ep
Casa Ukrania Kobzar single/EP
Cash Heal Process full-length
Casino Versus Japan Tagebuch einer Verlorenen full-length
Cat Temper Nineteen Eighty-Fur full-length
Cate Brooks Prismatics full-length
Catherine Christer Hennix Further Selections From The Electric Harpsichord full-length
Catherine Graindorge Songs For The Dead full-length
Causa Sui From the Source full-length
Caveira Ficar Vivo full-length
Cecil Taylor Chinampas full-length
Cecil Taylor Live In Bologna full-length
Cecil Taylor Live In Vienna full-length
Cecil Taylor Tzotzil/Mummers/Tzotzil full-length
Cédric Pin/Glen Johnson The Allegory Of Vanity full-length
CEL Five minutes to self-destruct full-length
Celer Engaged Touches (Expanded and Remastered) full-length
Celer It Would Be Giving Up boxed set
Celer There Were More Failures Than This boxed set
Cementation Anxiety AGNOSIAREIGN full-length
Cementation Anxiety Transcience Frequency single/EP
Ceremony Drowning In You single/EP
Cergio Prudencio Antolog​í​a 1: Obras para la Orquesta Experimental de Instrumentos Nativos full-length
Champagne Dub Rainbow full-length
CHANTSSSS Shyness full-length
Chaos Shrine Mirror Division full-length
Charif Megarbane Hamra / Red full-length
Charles A.D. West Pontoon Bridge full-length
CHBB CHBB full-length
Chelidon Frame Flatline Voyages full-length
Chelsea Bridge K full-length
Chelsea Wolfe She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She full-length
Chihei Hatakeyama & Shun Ishiwaka Magnificent Little Dudes Vol.1 full-length
Chihei Hatakeyama & Shun Ishiwaka Magnificent Little Dudes Vol.2 full-length
Chris Corsano The Key (Became the Important Thing [& Then Just Faded Away]) full-length
Chris Smither All About The Bones full-length
Christina Kubisch and Trondheim Voices Stromsa​̈​nger full-length
Christoph de Babalon Ach, Mensch single/EP
Christoph de Babalon No Favours single/EP
Christopher Haddow An Unexpected Giant Leap full-length
Christopher Willits Tides III single/EP
Chrystabell & David Lynch Cellophane Memories full-length
Chuck Johnson Cypress Suite single/EP
Chuck Johnson Sun Glories full-length
Church Andrews & Matt Davies Yucca full-length
Church Chords elvis, he was Schlager full-length
Church Chords Otherly Love Presents 01 full-length
Cindy Lee Diamond Jubilee full-length
Civilistjävel! Brödföda full-length
claire rousay sentiment full-length
claire rousay sentiment remix single/EP
claire rousay The Bloody Lady Soundtrack full-length
Clan Caimán Pica-Pau (woodpecker) full-length
Clara La San Made Mistakes full-length
Cleared Hexa full-length
Clevelode Muntjac full-length
Clinic Stars Only Hinting full-length
Code Industry Structure single/EP
Coded Marking Coded Marking full-length
Cognition Delay Firewalker full-length
Coil Moon's Milk (In Four Phases) boxed set
Cold Cave Passion Depression full-length
Cold Specks How it Feels single/EP
Colin Newman Bastard full-length
Colin Stetson The Love It Took To Leave You full-length
Color Green Fools Parade full-length
Comet Gain "20 GOLDEN GREATS!" full-length
Concepción Huerta The Earth Has Memory full-length
Conrad Schnitzler Slow Motion full-length
Consumer Electronics Surge full-length
Container Yacker full-length
Contours Elevations full-length
Coral Morphologic & Nick León Projections Of A Coral City full-length
Cosmic Analog Ensemble Les Grandes Vacances full-length
Cosmic Canyon Out of Land single/EP
Cosmin TRG Ecstatic Data full-length
Coti K. Theros single/EP
Cowboy Sadness Selected Jambient Works Vol. 1 full-length
Cower Celestial Devastation full-length
Cranes Collected Works Volume 1 (1989 - 1997) boxed set
Cranes FUSE single/EP
Crash Course In Science Near Marineland full-length
Craven Faults Bounds full-length
Craven Faults Thwaite Watermill full-length
CRC X VC-118A Flow Zone full-length
Creation Rebel Close Encounters of the Third World full-length
Creation Rebel High Above Harlesden 1978 - 2023 boxed set
Crespi Drum Syndicate Beats full-length
Cristina La Veneno Veneno Pa Tu Piel single/EP
Cruel Diagonals Calcite single/EP
crys cole Making Conversation full-length
CS + Kreme The Butterfly Drinks The Tears Of The Tortoise full-length
Cukor Bila Smert' Recordings 1990 - 1993 full-length
Current 93 In Menstrual Night full-length
Current 93 The Astral Crimes Of Stephen Hawke full-length
Current 93 The Long Shadow Falls boxed set
Current 93/HOH Island full-length
Curve Unreadable Communication: Anxious Recordings 1991-1993 boxed set
Cyberaktif Endgame full-length
Cybotron Parallel Shift single/EP
D’En Haut D’En Haut full-length
d'Eon Leviathan full-length
Daast SS24 full-length
Dabrye Super-Cassette full-length
Dalton Alexander Almost Home If I'm Still Alive full-length
Dame Area Toda la verdad sobre Dame Area full-length
Dan Fortin Cannon full-length
DANIAILYAS Walking Through Another Door full-length
Daniel Bachman Quaker Run Wildfire (10​/​24​/​23​–​11​/​17​/​23) for Fiddle and Guitar single/EP
Daniel Lentz Lips full-length
Daniel Majer Time For No Memory full-length
Daniel[i] In Flux full-length
Daniela Huerta Soplo full-length
Danielle Boutet Pièces full-length
Danny Paul Grody Duo Arc of Night full-length
Danz CM music community The Map (Original Score) single/ep
Dar Disku Dar Disku full-length
Dave Brown / Jason Kahn Terminal Analog full-length
David Best Message - Send - Failure full-length
David Gilden Texas Pillbox boxed set
David Jackman A Cloud Of Light full-length
David Kilgour A Feather in the Engine full-length
David Philip Jackman Schining full-length
Dawuna Naya full-length
Dawuna Southside Bottoms full-length
De Beren Gieren What Eludes Us full-length
De-Bons-en-Pierre Card Short of a Full Deck full-length
Dead Bandit Memory Thirteen full-length
Dead Or Alive Still Spinnin' (The Singles Collection 1983 - 2021) boxed set
Dead Pioneers My Spirit Animal Ate Your Spirit Animal single/EP
Dead Sound Into The Void full-length
Deadly Headley Bennett 35 Years From Alpha full-length
Dean McPhee Astral Gold full-length
Dean Spunt Basic Editions full-length
Deathworms Sapsucker full-length
Decius Decius Trax EP IV single/EP
Declatel Where The Pieces Came From full-length
Deejay Veiga Tudo é no Guetto single/EP
Delphine Dora Le Grand Passage full-length
Dennis Bovell Sufferer Sounds full-length
Denseland Code & Melody full-length
DERECHO Rhythm Section D Groove, Loraine James Remix / Get High, Brian Thomas/Jesse Porter Remix single/EP
Derek Monypeny The Oppositional Imagination full-length
Desert Liminal Black Ocean full-length
Dettinger Intershop full-length
Devon Rexi Biya Ba Man single/ep
Dialect Atlas of Green full-length
Diamanda Galás Diamanda Galás In Concert full-length
Diamanda Galás Saint of the Pit full-length
Diamond Gloss Golden Mountain Tales full-length
diane barbé musiques tourbes full-length
Diane Cluck House Tears full-length
DIIV Frog in Boiling Water full-length
Dip Friso Dip Friso full-length
Dirty Three Love Changes Everything full-length
Disintegration In Your Diary single/EP
Disintegration Shiver in a Weak Light full-length
DJ Anderson do Paraíso Queridão full-length
DJ Gonz Messenger full-length
DJ Kolt Verdadeiro single/EP
DJ Lycox Guetto Star full-length
DJ Nigga Fox Chá Preto full-length
DJ Znobia Inventor Vol. 2 full-length
DjNiraha KorgMusic2024DemoEL​-​HELL​-​EΛ full-length
Djrum Meaning's Edge single/EP
Dominique A Quelques lumières full-length
Donato Dozzy Magda full-length
Dope Purple & Berserk This is the Harsh Trip for New Psyche full-length
Dorothy Carter Troubadour full-length
DPERD Choices full-length
Dregs Dregs full-length
Drew McDowall A Thread, Silvered and Trembling full-length
drøn Numerator full-length
Drumloop Limiting Mindset full-length
Dublicator Container full-length
Dummy Free Energy full-length
Duster In Dreams full-length
E.R.P. Faded Caprice full-length
Eamon Ivri In The Red Eye of the Evening full-length
Ear To Ear Live Recordings full-length
Earthen Sea Recollection full-length
East Of Oceans Tsunami full-length
Eat-Girls Area Silenzio full-length
Edgar Wappenhalter IJsschots Veenlaag Mist full-length
Edward Ka-Spel Heksescapes full-length
Edward Ka-Spel The Irritant single/EP
Efterklang Getting Reminders single/EP
Efterklang Things We Have In Common full-length
Eiko Ishibashi Evil Does Not Exist full-length
Einstürzende Neubauten Improvisationskonzert 2024 full-length
Einstürzende Neubauten Ist Ist single/EP
Einstürzende Neubauten Rampen (APM: Alien Pop Music) full-length
Eivind Lønning Most, but Potentially All full-length
Ekin Fil Sleepwalker full-length
Ekuka Morris Sirikiti Te-Kwaro Alango-Ekuka full-length
El Universo Avant-Kraut Garden full-length
El-Hortobãgyi Hortator Thessalien Stoa Paradosi full-length
Elaine Mitchener Solo Throat full-length
Electric Eye Dyp Tid full-length
Elena Setien Moonlit Reveries full-length
Eleven Pond Bas Relief full-length
Eli Winter Ghost Notes single/EP
Elif Yalvaç Mælifell full-length
Elijah McLaughlin & Caleb Willitz Morning Improvisations / Evening Abstractions full-length
Elijah Minnelli Perpetual Musket full-length
Elkhorn The Red Valley full-length
Elori Saxl Drifts and surfaces single/ep
Elska Dancing Alone full-length
Elucid Revelator full-length
Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru Souvenirs full-length
Emily Hopkins Fae Dads single/ep
Emma Anderson Spiral​é​e: Pearlies Rearranged full-length
Endless Melancholy Field Notes full-length
Endon Fall of Spring full-length
Enno Velthuys A Glimpse of Light full-length
Envy Eunoia full-length
EPRC Bodies full-length
Eraldo Bernocchi / Christopher Chaplin The Same and The Other full-length
Eramus Hall Lost and Found full-length
Eric Chenaux Trio Delights Of My Life full-length
Erik Honoré Triage full-length
Erik K Skodvin Afterwar full-length
Erika Angell The Obsession With Her Voice full-length
Erika de Casier Still full-length
Eros Your Truth is a Lie full-length
Erotic Secrets Of Pompeii Mondo Maleficum full-length
Esplendor Geométrico strepitus rhythmicus full-length
Eszaid Brumes full-length
Etch Scream of the Butterfly full-length
Etelin Patio User Manual full-length
Etran de L'Aïr 100% Sahara Guitar full-length
Evan Chapman Reveries full-length
Ex-Easter Island Head Norther full-length
Exos Green Light single/EP
Eye Flys Eye Flys full-length
Ezmeralda Ruida y flor single/EP
Ezra Feinberg Soft Power full-length
F.S.Blumm Torre full-length
f5point6 A Random Sequence of Events full-length
FACS Maggot Brain 020324 full-length
FACS North America Endless single/EP
FaltyDL In The Wake Of Wolves full-length
Family Ravine (I​’​ll) waltz in and act like (I) own the place full-length
Far Golden Pavilions Dream Archipelago full-length
Farida Amadou When It Rains It Pours full-length
Fashion Cult Desolation Sounds II single/EP
Fat White Family Forgiveness Is Yours full-length
Fate Ote Inner Net full-length
Faune Des Fantômes full-length
Faust Blickwinkel full-length
Faust Momentaufnahme III full-length
Faust Momentaufnahme IV full-length
Fawn Flamboyant NonViolent full-length
Feel Free Hi Fi I was so far in I was out. full-length
Félicia Atkinson Space As An Instrument full-length
Fennesz Mosaic full-length
Fennesz Sognato di Domani single/EP
Fennesz Venice 20 full-length
Fergus Jones Ephemera full-length
Fernand Vandenbogaerde Les Annees 1967-1984 boxed set
Fievel Is Glauque Rong Weicknes full-length
Filther Filther full-length
FIN Cleats full-length
final What We Don't See full-length
Fine Rocky Top Ballads full-length
Finlay Shakespeare Directions Out Of Town full-length
Firnis DC Firnis der Civilisation full-length
First Tone 2 full-length
Five Green Moons Moon 1 full-length
Flamingo Pier Supro EP single/EP
Flavor Crystals Gone Six full-length
Flock Flock II full-length
Florian T M Zeisig Planet Inc full-length
Fontaines DC Romance full-length
Four Tet Live at Alexandra Palace London, 24th May 2023 boxed set
Four Tet Loved single/EP
Four Tet Three full-length
France Jobin Infinite Probabilities (Particle 2) full-length
France Jobin & Yamil Rezc Un día en México full-length
Francesca Bono Crumpled Canvas full-length
Francesco Leali Let Us Descend full-length
Francisco Meirino A Perpetual Host full-length
Fred Moten / Brandon López / Gerald Cleaver The Blacksmiths, The Flowers full-length
Frédéric D. Oberland / Grégory Dargent / Tony Elieh / Wassim Halal SIHR full-length
Free Tala Underwater Sounds To Lure The Fishes full-length
Freezepop Fog full-length
Front 242 Endless Riddance (Remastered) EP single/EP
Frunk29 Drifting Horses full-length
Frunk29 Sequentia full-length
Frustration Our Decisions full-length
Full of Hell Coagulated Bliss full-length
G.F.X. Eternal single/EP
Gabbarein Gabbarein full-length
Galaxie 500 Uncollected Noise New York ’88-’90 full-length
Galen Tipton & Holly Waxwing KeepsakeFM full-length
Garland Heartbeat single/EP
Garth Erasmus Threnody for the KhoiSan full-length
Gary Wilson A Beautiful Bliss full-length
Gastr del Sol We Have Dozens of Titles boxed set
Gavin Vanaelst Takeaway Loops full-length
Gavsborg Present : Selects full-length
Geir Jenssen & Pete Namlook The Fires Of Ork full-length
Geneviève Beaulieu Augury full-length
Genital Shame Chronic Illness Wish full-length
Geordie Greep The New Sound full-length
Gerald Cleaver The Process full-length
Germ Lattice Gipping Through The Ages full-length
German Army An Era of Absolutes full-length
German Army Connaigre full-length
German Army Skin Wrapped, Eyes Visible full-length
Ghost Dubs Damaged full-length
Ghost Dubs Damaged Versions single/EP
Ghost Lemurs Wombs And Alien Spirits full-length
Gift Illuminator full-length
GILA Domain Expansion full-length
Glass Beams Mahal single/EP
Gnod Spot Land full-length
Gnod + MC Sissi Inner Fucking Peace full-length
Gnoomes Uletai single/EP
Goat Goat full-length
God is an Astronaut Embers full-length
Godflesh A World Lit Only By Dub full-length
Godspeed You! Black Emperor No Title as of 13 February 2024 28,340 Dead full-length
Good Sad Happy Bad All Kinds of Days full-length
Gouge Away Deep Sage full-length
Grand River and Abul Mogard In uno spazio immenso full-length
Greater Than One Beatless single/EP
Greater Than One Book of Noise full-length
Greg Davis Compilations & Remixes Vol. 1 full-length
Gregory Uhlmann Small Day full-length
Guðmundur Steinn Gunnarsson Stífluhringurinn full-length
Guests "I Wish I Was Special" full-length
Guests I wish I was special full-length
Guided By Voices Strut of Kings full-length
Haiginsha Fierce/Lighten full-length
Hair and Space Museum Human Presence full-length
Hamish Hawk A Firmer Hand full-length
Hannah Marcus The Hannah Marcus Years: 1993 - 2004 full-length
Haptic Sensitive Dependence on Initial Condiitions full-length
Harold Budd • Simon Raymonde • Elizabeth Fraser • Robin Guthrie The Moon and the Melodies full-length
Harry Beckett The Modern Sound of full-length
Harry Górski-Brown Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats full-length
Harvestman Triptych: Part One full-length
Harvestman Triptych: Part Two full-length
Hayden Pedigo Live in Amarillo, Texas full-length
Helado Negro Phasor full-length
Helen Island Last Liasse full-length
Helena Hauff Multiply Your Absurdities single/EP
Henrik Meierkord MÖRK full-length
Hermanos Gutiérrez Sonido C​ó​smico full-length
Hertsi Hertsi full-length
Hesaitix Noctian Airgap full-length
Hi! Capybaras A/M/Y/G/D/A/L/A single/EP
High Llamas Hey Panda full-length
High Street Ghosts Monday, Local full-length
His Name Is Alive How Ghosts Affect Relationships boxed set
HMOT The Moon Turned Into The Sun full-length
Hochzeitskapelle We Dance full-length
Holy Tongue meets Shackleton The Tumbling Psychic Joy of Now full-length
Horseback The Invisible Mountain full-length
Hoverman Superheterodyne full-length
Howard Thomas Skin Breaker full-length
HTRK / [V/A] String of Hearts single/EP
Hypnodrone Ensemble The Problem Is In The Sender — Do Not Tamper With The Receiver full-length
Ian Elms Good Night full-length
Ian Wellman The Night The Stars Fell full-length
Iasos Sighs From Heaven single/EP
Ibukun Sunday Harmony / Balance full-length
Iceboy Violet & Nueen You Said You'd Hold My Hand Through the Fire full-length
Ike Yard 1982 full-length
Ill Considered & Rob Lewis Emergence full-length
in camera Arrival full-length
In the Nursery Miscellanea 9 full-length
Infiniti (Juan Atkins) Skynet full-length
Innocence Mission Midwinter Swimmers full-length
Innode Grain full-length
Irene Bianco Kronblade full-length
Isan Winter Chimes single/EP
Ismatic Guru IV single/EP
Izumi ‘Mimi’ Kobayashi Choice Cuts 1978​-​1983 full-length
J Mascis What Do We Do Now? full-length
J. Zunz Re​:​Volver single/EP
Jabu A Soft and Gatherable Star full-length
Jacken Elswyth At Fargrounds full-length
Jackman Flames of Fire full-length
Jahari Massamba Unit YHWH is LOVE full-length
JakoJako Segmente EP single/EP
James Yummy full-length
James Blackshaw Unraveling In Your Hands full-length
James Devane Searching full-length
James Elkington and Nathan Salsburg All Gist full-length
James Hoff Shadows Lifted from Invisible Hands full-length
Jan Bang Reading The Air full-length
Jan Esbra Suspended In A Breath full-length
Jan Jelinek Social Engineering full-length
Jandek Three Movements full-length
Jandek Victoria Wednesday full-length
Jane Weaver Love In Constant Spectacle full-length
Janek Schaefer Conscious Sedation full-length
Janette King Incantation full-length
Japanese Television Automata Exotica full-length
Jarkko Räsänen Next Level Revolutionary full-length
JARR All These Past Lives full-length
Jasmine Wood Piano Reverb full-length
Jawnino 40 full-length
Jeff Parker ETA IVtet The Way Out of Easy full-length
Jeff Snyder Loom full-length
Jeffrey Alexander and The Heavy Lidders Planet Lidders full-length
Jeremy Gignoux Odd Stillness full-length
Jessica Pratt Here in the Pitch full-length
jesu Hard To Reach EP single/EP
JG Thirlwell Archer Original Soundtrack Volume 1 full-length
JH COMAOCEAN boxed set
Jibóia Salar full-length
Jill Fraser Earthly Pleasures full-length
Jim Haynes Inadvertent full-length
Jim Haynes Inconsequential full-length
Jim Rafferty I See Red full-length
Jim White All Hits: Memories full-length
Jim White & Marisa Anderson Swallowtail full-length
Jimmywilson Early Experiments in Recording, Vol​.​1 (1976​-​2021) full-length
Jlin Akoma full-length
Joachim Spieth Retrace full-length
John Balance The Art, Music & Writings Of Geoffrey Rushton Alias John Balance - The Years 1979-1986 boxed set
John Cale POPtical Illusion full-length
John Davis Landlines full-length
John Grant The Art of the Lie full-length
John Lurie Painting with John full-length
John Tashjian 23 full-length
Jolanda Moletta / Karen Vogt Suspended Between Worlds single/EP
Jon Collin The Other Dead Sea full-length
Jon Mueller Duality full-length
Jon Rose Aeolian Tendency full-length
Jonas Munk Mirror Phase full-length
Jonna Jinton Songs & Callings full-length
Jonnine Southside Girl full-length
Jonny from Space Back Then I Didn't but Now I Do full-length
Joseph Allred Folk Guitar full-length
Joy Guidry Amen full-length
Juan Atkins & Moritz von Oswald present Borderland Angles single/EP
Jules Reidy Rave Angels single/EP
Julia Holter Something in the Room She Moves full-length
Julian Cope Friar Tuck full-length
Julianna Barwick and Mary Lattimore Canyon Lights single/EP
Julie Beth Napolin Only the Void Stands Between Us full-length
K. Freund Trash Can Lamb full-length
K. Yoshimatsu Fossil Cocoon: The Music of K. Yoshimatsu full-length
Ka The Thief Next To Jesus full-length
Ka Baird Bearings: Soundtracks for the Bardos full-length
Kaboom Karavan Fiasko! full-length
Kaliyuga Express Occult Future full-length
Kandodo theendisinpsych full-length
Kangding Ray Zero full-length
Karate Make It Fit full-length
Karen Dalton It's So Hard To Tell Who's Going To Love You The Best full-length
Karen Vogt diary#5 full-length
Karen Vogt Waterlog full-length
KÁRYYN Calm KAOSS! single/EP
KÁRYYN Ground single/EP
KÁRYYN K Á R Y Y N REmixed single/EP
Katharina Grosse, Carina Khorkhordina, Tintin Patrone, Billy Roisz, Stefan Schneider Permanent Parts full-length
Keepsakes Rant 4 Cash single/EP
Keiji Haino Black Blues full-length
Keiss Faded Atlas full-length
Keiss Oblique Minimalista full-length
Kelly Lee Owens Dreamstate full-length
Kelly Moran Moves in the Field full-length
Kenneth Kirschner 27-Apr-23 full-length
Kevin Laundry full-length
Kevin Drumm OG23 full-length
Kid Sundance Meer Seconden full-length
Kim Deal Coast single/EP
Kim Deal Nobody Loves You More full-length
Kim Gordon ECRP single/EP
Kim Gordon The Collective full-length
King Softy Scanner's Plateau full-length
Kinkajous Nothing Will Disappear full-length
Kinski Do You Like Long Hair? single/EP
Kitchen Sinks & Grey Malkin We Are All Ghosts full-length
KK Null Brain Star Turbulence single/EP
Klara Lewis Thankful full-length
Klara Lewis Thankful Remixes single/EP
Klara Lewis & Yuki Tsujii Salt Water full-length
Klein Marked full-length
kmodp Crimée No. 7 full-length
KMRU forge full-length
KMRU Natur full-length
Kosmischer Läufer Track Club single/EP
Kreidler Twists (A Visitor Arrives) full-length
Kristen Gallerneaux The McClintic Chorus full-length
Kristin Hersh Hips & Makers full-length
KRM & KMRU Disconnect full-length
KRM & KMRU Otherness single/EP
Kumio Kurachi Open Today full-length
Kyle Bobby Dunn Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes full-length
Kyle Bobby Dunn SIfting Through Nine Layers of Meaning full-length
La Sécurité Detour single/EP
La Sécurité Stay Safe! REMIXED single/EP
Ladytron Time's Arrow Remixed full-length
Laetitia Sadier Rooting for Love full-length
Laetitia Sadier and Storefront Church La Langue Bleue single/EP
Laetitia Sonami / Éliane Radigue A Song For Two Mothers / OCCAM IX full-length
Laibach Opus Dei (Remastered) full-length
Laibach Opus Dei Revisited full-length
Laibach Strange Fruit single/EP
Laibach & Silence White Christmas full-length
Lampen Halogen full-length
Laraaji Glimpses of Infinity full-length
Lasse Marhaug Provoke full-length
Laura Cannell Earthlore single/EP
Laura Cannell Firelore single/EP
Laura Cannell Ghostlore single/EP
Laura Cannell Harvestlore single/EP
Laura Cannell Mammothlore single/EP
Laura Cannell Mountainlore single/EP
Laura Cannell Ravenlore single/EP
Laura Cannell Riverlore single/EP
Laura Cannell Sealore single/EP
Laura Cannell The Rituals of Hildegard Reimagined full-length
Laura Cannell Winterlore single/EP
Laura Cannell Witchlore single/EP
Laura Cannell Wolflore single/EP
Laura Cannell & Lori Goldston The Deer Are Small And The Rabbits Are Big full-length
Laura Kampman Coming Into Daily Life full-length
Laura Masotto The Spirit of Things full-length
Lauryl Sulfate & Her Ladies Of Leisure I'm Your Man single/ep
Läuten der Seele Die Reise zur Monsalwäsche full-length
Lawrence English A Colour For Autumn full-length
Lea Thomas Cosmos Forever full-length
Leavs Natura Universal full-length
Lechuga Zafiro Desde los oídos de un sapo full-length
Lee Underwood California Sigh full-length
Leila Bordreuil, 1991, Summer, Huntington Garage Fire full-length
Leonce System of Objects full-length
Les Big Byrd Diamonds, Rhinestones and Hard Rain full-length
Letting Up Despite Great Faults Reveries full-length
Lewis Spybey Lewis Spybey full-length
Leya I Forget Everything full-length
LF58 Radials full-length
Li Yilei Cacophony single/EP
Lia Kohl Normal Sounds full-length
Liberski/Yoshida Troubled Water full-length
Lifted Trellis full-length
Light of the Morning Star Wings in the Night Sky single/EP
Lightheaded Combustible Gems full-length
Liis Ring I found what I was looking for single/EP
Lijadu Sisters Horizon Unlimited full-length
Lilacs & Champagne Fantasy World full-length
Limpe Fuchs Amor full-length
Limpe Fuchs & Mark Fell Dessogia / Queetch / Fauch full-length
Linda Smith I So Liked Spring full-length
Lines of Silence The Long Way Home full-length
Linus Vandewolken Oude Geuze uit Niemandaal full-length
Liquid Liquid Bellhead / Optimo (Remix) single/EP
Lisa Ullén Heirloom full-length
Liza Padliza Bridge Over Poroznecha River full-length
Llyn Y Cwn Megaliths full-length
Locrian End Terrain full-length
Locrian Solar Lodge single/ep
Loidis One Day full-length
Lolina Unrecognisable full-length
Loren Connors & David Grubbs Evening Air full-length
Lorenzo Abattoir MESS (akt IV) full-length
Lori Goldston and Stefan Christoff A Radical Horizon full-length
Loris S Sarid Wood, Metals, Clay, Glass, Plastic, Fabric, Paint, Grass single/EP
loscil Umbel full-length
loscil // lawrence english Chroma full-length
Lotus Synthbuljong full-length
Lou Reed Hudson River Wind Meditations full-length
Louis Carnell 111 full-length
Lovely Midget Lovely Midget full-length
Loveshadow II full-length
lovetrip tessellations full-length
Loving Any Light full-length
Low End Activist Airdrop full-length
Low End Activist Municipal Dreams full-length
Lucy Sissy Miller Pre Country full-length
Ludwig Wandinger Is Peace Wild? full-length
Luka Aron XV XXVII III XXI IX: Variations & Coda full-length
Lukas de Clerck The Telescopic Aulos of Atlas full-length
Luke Elliott Every Somewhere full-length
Luke Loseth and Stefan Christoff Early Spring full-length
Luke Sanger Dew Point Harmonics full-length
Luke Wyland Kuma Cove full-length
Lustmord Much Unseen Is Also Here full-length
M. Quake Annie u r a Bird full-length
M.L. Deathman Acid Horse 23 full-length
Mabe Fratti Sentir Que No Sabes full-length
Mach-Hommy #RICHAXXHAITIAN full-length
Machinedrum 3FOR82 full-length
Madeleine Cocolas Bodies full-length
Magic Fig Magic Fig full-length
Magic Tuber Stringband Needlefall full-length
Mahogany A Scaffold single/EP
Majesty Crush Butterflies Don't Go Away full-length
Man or Astro-Man? ROYGBIV (Recordings From The BBC) boxed set
Man Rei Thread full-length
Manuel Zurria Fame di Vento full-length
Maple Fyshh You Are Leaving My Mind full-length
MAQUINA Prata full-length
Marcus Fjellström The Last Sunset Of The Year full-length
Marewrew Ukouk: Round Singing Voices of the Ainu 2012-2024 full-length
Maria Bertel & Nina Garcia KN​Æ​KKET SMIL full-length
Maria Somerville Projections single/EP
Maria W Horn PANOPTIKON full-length
Maria W Horn & Mats Erlandsson Ytterl​ä​nn​ä​s Gamla Kyrka - Organ rehearsal tape full-length
Marie Davidson Y.A.A.M. single/EP
Marie Klock Damien est vivant full-length
Marisa Anderson Music From 'A Perfect Day For Caribou' full-length
Mark Lanegan Band Butterfly XX full-length
Mark McGuire Anhedonia full-length
Mark Templeton Two Verses full-length
Mark Trekka The Bloom of Performance full-length
Mark Van Hoen Electric Lights EP single/EP
Mark Van Hoen I Found This full-length
Mark Van Hoen Insight EP single/EP
Mark Van Hoen Plan for a Miracle full-length
Mark Vernon The Dramaturgy of Decay full-length
Marla Hansen Salt full-length
Marly Lüske Forest Belt full-length
Martha Skye Murphy UM full-length
Martin Rev Martin Rev full-length
Martina Berther Bass Works: As I Venture Into full-length
Mary Halvorson Cloudward full-length
Mary Lattimore I Spent the Day Inside single/EP
Mary Lattimore and Walt McClements Rain on the Road full-length
Mary Timony Untame the Tiger full-length
Masami Tada Ever-Present full-length
Masayoshi Fujita Migratory full-length
mastroKristo Passage full-length
Matchess Stena full-length
Mathieu Ball Amplified Guitar II full-length
Matt Elliott Drinking Songs Live: 20 Years On full-length
Matt Karmil No Going Back full-length
Max Ananyev Cosmism full-length
Max Ananyev & Andrey Belyavskiy Obscurity full-length
Max Jaffe Reduction of Man full-length
Maya Ongaku Electronic Phantoms full-length
Maya Shenfeld Under the Sun full-length
Mazza Vision Ohm Spectrum full-length
mclusky The Difference Between Me and You Is That I’m Not on Fire full-length
Mdou Moctar Funeral for Justice full-length
Meat Beat Manifesto & Merzbow Extinct full-length
Medicine Medicine full-length
Medicine On the Bed full-length
Mel Keane Airs full-length
Melenas Ahora Remixes single/EP
Melos Kalpa Melos Kalpa full-length
Melt-Banana 3+5 full-length
MEMORIALS Memorial Waterslides full-length
Memory Drawings Deathbed Requests full-length
memotone Fever of the World full-length
Mercury Rev Born Horses full-length
Meredith Young-Sowers Agartha: Personal Meditation Music boxed set
Mermaid Chunky slif slaf slof full-length
Merope V​ė​jula full-length
Merzbow 1930 full-length
Merzbow Circular reference full-length
Merzbow Mercurated full-length
Merzbow Oersted full-length
Merzbow / John Wiese EKA Varna full-length
Meshell Ndegeocello Red Hot & Ra - The Magic City full-length
Meta Meat Voices single/EP
Metgumbnerbone The Morden Tower Conjurations full-length
mHz Material Prosody full-length
Mica Levi Slob Air single/EP
Michael It'z Mnemonica full-length
Michael J. Blood Joy + Pain full-length
Michael Ranta Transits: Volume 1 full-length
Michael Vincent Waller Moments - Remixes full-length
Michel Banabila Unspeakable Visions full-length
Mick Harvey Five Ways to Say Goodbye full-length
Midwife No Depression in Heaven full-length
MIKE & Tony Seltzer Pinball full-length
Mike Cooper Slow Motion Lightning full-length
Miki Berenyi Trio Vertigo single/EP
Miki Yui As If full-length
Milan W Leave Another Day full-length
Milkweed Folklore 1979 single/EP
Milo Korbenski When You Gonna Tell 'Em the Truth, Aaron? full-length
Mining Chimet full-length
Mint Field Aprender A Ser: Extended full-length
Misha Panfilov Frutaria Electr​ó​nica full-length
Mitochondrion Vitriseptome full-length
Mixmaster Morris, Jonah Sharp, and Haruomi Hosono Quiet Logic full-length
MIZU Forest Scenes full-length
MJ Guider Youth and Beauty single/EP
MJ Lenderman Manning Fireworks full-length
Mo Dotti opaque full-length
Mohammad Syfkhan I Am Kurdish full-length
Moin You Never End full-length
Molchat Doma Belaya Polosa full-length
Molina When You Wake Up full-length
Molly Nilsson Solo Paraiso (2024 Edition) single/EP
Molly Nilsson Un-American Activities full-length
Mong Tong Epigraphy full-length
Mono In Heaven Vol. 3 single/EP
Mono Oath full-length
Monolake Studio full-length
Moon Diagrams Cemetery Classics full-length
Moor Mother The Great Bailout full-length
Mope Grooves Box of Dark Roses full-length
Mordant Music KPMM: 20 Signs You Have A Thyroid Problem full-length
more eaze lacuna and parlor full-length
Mosam Howieson Ether full-length
Motor!k 5 full-length
Mouchoir Étanche Le jazz homme full-length
Mount Eerie Night Palace full-length
Mount Kimbie The Sunset Violent full-length
Mouse On Mars Herzog Sessions full-length
MPU101 MPU104 full-length
MPU101 MPU105 full-length
mu tate Wanting Less full-length
Mulatu Astatke & Hoodna Orchestra Tension full-length
Murcof Twin Color (vol. I) full-length
Muslimgauze The Extreme Years 1990-1994 boxed set
My Cat is an Alien The Sky With Broken Arms - Vol​.​II full-length
My Education / Theta Naught Sound Mass III: Ampersand full-length
My Friend Dario Senza Estate full-length
Myoptik Gofunga! full-length
Myriam Gendron Mayday full-length
N + Gitane Demone Despair boxed set
Naemi Dust Devil full-length
Nahawa Doumbia Vol 2 full-length
Nailah Hunter Lovegaze full-length
Nala Sinephro Endlessness full-length
Naoki Zushi Live full-length
Nap Ghost The Place To Leave full-length
Natalia Beylis Lost - For Annie full-length
Nathan Amundson Threes full-length
Nathan Bowles Trio Are Possible full-length
Nebula / Black Rainbows In Search of the Cosmic Tale: Crossing the Galactic Portal single/EP
Nero LP3.14 full-length
Nervous Gender Music from Hell full-length
New Mexican Stargazers Casino 2223 full-length
New Model Army Unbroken full-length
Nexcyia Endless Path of Memory full-length
Nexcyia Exodus full-length
Niagara De Motu full-length
Nice Biscuit SOS full-length
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Wild God full-length
Nick Schofield Ambient Ensemble full-length
Nico Van Wersch Psychose full-length
Nicola Cruz Kinesia full-length
Nídia & Valentina Estradas full-length
Night Slaves Acceleration Prose full-length
Nilüfer Yanya My Method Actor full-length
Nizar Rohana Safa full-length
Nonconnah Nonconnah vs. the Spring of Deception full-length
Nonpareils Rhetoric & Terror full-length
Norman McLaren Rythmetic: The Compositions of Norman McLaren full-length
Not Me But Us Two full-length
Not Waving & Romance Infinite Light full-length
Nouvelle Vague Should I Stay Or Should I Go? full-length
Nový Svět DeGenerazione full-length
NPVR 33 34 full-length
NUG Bong Boat full-length
Nuke Watch Pepper's Ghost full-length
Nuno Beats Sai do Coração full-length
Nurse With Wound Chance Meeting On A Dissecting Table Of A Sewing Machine And An Umbrella full-length
Nurse With Wound Stoned In Stockholm full-length
Nurse With Wound & Bladder Flask Backside full-length
Nzʉmbe Ardor or Entropy full-length
OdNu Ronroco Rococo Memories full-length
øjeRum Cut Paper Flowers full-length
øjeRum En sten for solen full-length
øjeRum Everything Wounded Will Flow full-length
øjeRum Ikke en sjæl full-length
øjeRum Langt Fra Jorden full-length
øjeRum Softer Than Before single/EP
OKRAA La Gran Corriente full-length
ØKSE ØKSE full-length
Old Saw Dissection Maps full-length
Olivia Block The Mountains Pass full-length
Olivier Cong Tropical Church full-length
Oneida Expensive AIr full-length
Onkonomiyaki Labs Lullabies for Tatsuya full-length
Onkonomiyaki Labs Metal Massage Pleasure Centre full-length
Open Yellow Circle New Meridian full-length
or best offer Center full-length
Or Sobre Blau The Piri Piri Samplers full-length
Oranssi Pazuzu Muuntautuja full-length
Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling and Andreas Werliin Ghosted II full-length
Organi Babylonia full-length
Organum Electronics Noughwhere full-length
Ortrotasce Dispatches From Solitude full-length
Otto A. Totland Exin full-length
Otto Taimela A Life full-length
Oval Angle Figures Of Speech full-length
Ozean Ozean single/EP
Pablo Diserens Turning Porous full-length
Pablo's Eye The light was sharp, our eyes were open full-length
PainKiller Samsara full-length
Pan•American & Kramer Reverberations of Non-Stop Traffic on Redding Road full-length
Panoram Great Times full-length
Pantaleimon Up With The Moon full-length
Papa M Ballads of Harry Houdini full-length
Paradise Cinema returning, dream full-length
Pat Thomas The Solar Model of Ibn Al-Shatir full-length
Patrick Cowley From Behind full-length
Patrick Cowley Kickin In single/EP
Patrick Shiroishi Glass House full-length
Pavel Milyakov Enthropic Vision full-length
Pefkin The Rescoring full-length
Penelope Trappes Hommelen full-length
People Like Us COPIA full-length
People Skills Subalternity Interlude full-length
Perc Fire In Negative (Million Remix) single/EP
Perc Static feat. Sissel Wincent single/EP
Perc The Cut Off full-length
Perchta D'muata full-length
Persher Sleep Well full-length
Pete Namlook Air II full-length
Pete Namlook • Geir Jenssen The Fires of Ork full-length
Peter Perrett The Cleansing full-length
Phelimuncasi & Metal Preyers Izigqinamba single/ep
Phil Geraldi AM / FM USA full-length
Philip Jeck rpm full-length
Phill Niblock Looking for Daniel full-length
Phill Niblock / Anna Clementi / Thomas Stern Zound Delta 2 full-length
Pianeti Sintetici Space Opera full-length
Pieter Kock Bright Bars From The Stars full-length
pigbaby i don't care if anyone listens to this shit once you do full-length
Pinkcourtesyphone Arise in Sinking Feelings full-length
Piotr Kurek The night we slept under an overhanging cliff single/EP
Piper Spray & Lena Tsibizova Debtor Of Presence full-length
Plastic Bag Dead Kings Of Europe full-length
Plastique Fantastique TEK FOK full-length
Poborsk Theta Cadence full-length
Point Of Memory Void Pusher full-length
Polar Inertia Environment Control full-length
Pollution Opera Pollution Opera full-length
Population II Serpent Échelle full-length
Post Moves Love​’​s Temporary Occurrence single/EP
Pound Land Mugged full-length
Prayer Now I Know Paradise full-length
Ряска Ряска full-length
Pressboard Dripp single/ep
Princ€ss Princ€ss full-length
Prince Far I Cry Tuff Chants On U full-length
Prince Jazzbo and Mad Cobra Goldmine (Dubbed Out by Prince Jazzbo) full-length
Priori This But More full-length
Project Gemini Colours & Light full-length
Psychic Graveyard WIlting full-length
Psychic Lemon The Unheimlich Kingdom full-length
Pulsars Pulsars (redux) full-length
Purple Decades Fraction of Centuries full-length
Pye Corner Audio The Endless Echo full-length
PYUR Lucid Anarchy full-length
R. Rebeiro Unrendered Language full-length
R.N.A. Organism R.N.A.O. Meets P.O.P.O. full-length
Racine Boue full-length
Rafael Anton Irisarri FAÇADISMS full-length
Rafael Toral Spectral Evolution full-length
Ramzi Moon Tan full-length
Raphael Rogiński Žaltys full-length
Red Industrie Spiritualizer full-length
Red Kross Red Kross full-length
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry Driving Black single/EP
Reign of Ferns Out Beyond Is single/EP
Respire Hiraeth full-length
Reymour NoLand full-length
Rəhman Məmmədli Azerbaijani Gitara Volume 2 full-length
Rian Treanor with Rotherham Sight & Sound Action Potential full-length
Richard Chartier On Leaving full-length
Richard Skelton And This Is Also the Law of Reflection full-length
Richard Skelton The Old Thrawing Crux full-length
Richard Teitelbaum Asparagus full-length
Richard Thompson Ship to Shore full-length
Richter Band Smetana full-length
Ride Interplay full-length
Rider/Horse Matted full-length
Robbie Basho Snow Beneath the Belly of a White Swan : The Lost Live Recordings boxed set
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe Recessed Draughting full-length
Robert Dick & Stephan Haluska Crop Circles full-length
Robert Lippok Open Close Open full-length
Robert Rental Mental Detentions full-length
Robin Mackay By The North Sea full-length
Robin Rimbaud & Michael Wells Zero full-length
Robotussin Pale Fire full-length
ROC Makina Trax 2013-2023 full-length
Rodan Rusty full-length
Róis Mo Léan full-length
Roland Kayn Simultan boxed set
Roland Kayn The Ortho Project boxed set
Rolf Gehlhaar Wege / Ways full-length
Romance In My Hour Of Weakness, I Found A Sweetness full-length
Rosa Anschütz Interior full-length
Rosso Polare Campo Amaro full-length
Roy Montgomery Temple IV full-length
Roy Montgomery & Friends Broken Heart Surgery full-length
Rrose x Polygonia Dermatology full-length
Rubbish Musc Fatbergs full-length
Rudolf Psychospirituelle Fermentationsrituale single/ep
Rudolf Sulphuric Sonics full-length
Ruth Goller Skyllumina full-length
Saagara 3 full-length
Sachi Kobayashi Lamentations full-length
Sahra Halgan Hiddo Dhawr full-length
Saicobab Nrtya full-length
Saint Abdullah & Eomac Light meteors crashing around you will not confuse you full-length
Saint Etienne The Night full-length
Sam Gendel, Benny Bock, Hans Kjorstad Dream Trio full-length
Sam Wilkes, Craig Weinrib, and Dylan Day Sam Wilkes, Craig Weinrib, and Dylan Day full-length
Samara Lubelski / Bill Nace 43​/​80 full-length
Sanae Yamada Flowering Tree single/EP
Sandwell District Where Next? full-length
Sangre Nueva Versus full-length
Sarah Davachi Music For A Bellowing Room full-length
Sarah Davachi The Head As Form’d In The Crier’s Choir full-length
Sarah Hennies Motor Tapes full-length
Sarah Hennies Standing Water single/EP
Sarenrae Speechless single/ep
Sault Acts of Faith full-length
Scanner The Phenol Tapes full-length
Scanner and Neil Leonard The Berklee Sessions full-length
Scant Vitiate full-length
Schönfeld Interconnected Lip Vibes full-length
Sea Urchin Destroy! full-length
Seabuckthorn this warm, this late full-length
Seaworthy / Matt Rösner Bundanon single/EP
Sebastian Mullaert & Henrik Frendin Hind full-length
Section 25 Always Now boxed set
Sedibus Seti full-length
Seefeel Everything Squared full-length
Seefeel Squared Roots full-length
seekersinternational & juwanstockton Kintsugi Soul Steppers full-length
Selfsame Selfsame single/EP
Senyawa Vajranala single/EP
Sequences Agua Viva full-length
serpentwithfeet GRIP full-length
Severed Heads Ear Bitten full-length
Sex Swing Golden Triangle full-length
Sexores Historias de frio full-length
Shackleton & Six Organs of Admittance Jinxed by Being full-length
Shane Parish Repertoire full-length
Sharada Shashidhar Soft Echoes full-length
Shellac To All Trains full-length
Shifted Phases The Cosmic Memoirs Of The Late Great Rupert J. Rosinthrope full-length
Shigeto Cherry Blossom Baby full-length
Shin Joong Hyun Beautiful Rivers And Mountains: The Psychedelic Rock Sound Of South Korea's Shin Joong Hyun 1958-1974 full-length
Shin Joong Hyun From Where To Where: 1970-1979 full-length
Shinichi Atobe Discipline full-length
Shit and Shine Joy of Joys full-length
Shit and Shine Masters of All This Hell full-length
Shit and Shine Rum and Coke full-length
Shovel Dance Collective The Shovel Dance full-length
Shuttle358 optimal.lp full-length
SHXCXCHCXSH .​.​.​.​.​.​t full-length
Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson Into The Second Half full-length
Silica Gel Swan Pond full-length
Simon Fisher Turner Instability of the Signal full-length
Simon Joyner Coyote Butterfly full-length
Sissi Rada Aporia full-length
Sissi Rada Demeter in Aexone full-length
Six Comm Godlessstate full-length
Six Organs of Admittance Companion Rises (Twig Harper Remix) full-length
Six Organs of Admittance Time is Glass full-length
Skee Mask ISS010 single/EP
Skee Mask Resort full-length
Skeet Simple Reality full-length
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum of the Last Human Being full-length
Slift Ilion full-length
Slomo Zen And Zennor full-length
SML Small Medium Large full-length
Smote A Grand Stream full-length
Snakes Don't Belong in Alaska Dead Moon full-length
Snakes Don't Belong in Alaska Navegando al Paraiso full-length
Snakeskin They Kept Our Photographs full-length
Snapped Ankles Forest Of Your Problems: Parasite Sessions full-length
SO SNER The Well full-length
Soft as Snow Metal.wet full-length
Soft Kill Escape Forever full-length
Soft Kill Love, Sosa single/EP
Softcult Heaven single/EP
somesurprises Perseids full-length
Songs: Ohia Live: Vanquishers full-length
Songs: Ohia The Lamb & Flag full-length
Sorrow Sleep Now Forever full-length
Sote Sound System Persepolis full-length
Sparkle Division Jupiter Lounge single/EP
SPC ECO How Did We Get Here? full-length
Spëcht Triptyques full-length
Special Request Street Anthems full-length
Spivak Big 2007 Facts full-length
Spivak Violences single/EP
Spoonfed Hybrid Spoonfed Hybrid full-length
Squrl Music For Man Ray full-length
Statiqbloom Kain full-length
Stefan Goldmann Alluvium full-length
Stefan Vincent Post Melancholy full-length
Stereolab Switched On Volumes 1-5 boxed set
Steve Gunn Clean Floor single/EP
Steve Kilbey and Martin Kennedy Premonition K full-length
Steve Roach Reflections In Repose full-length
Still House Plants If I don’t make it, I love u full-length
Stina Stjern Vivid Peace Restored full-length
Stone Music 15-Jul-22 full-length
Stuart Dempster Underground Overlays From The Cistern Chappel full-length
Sugar Plant Blue Submarine single/EP
Suishou no Fune The Sound of Release full-length
Sumac The Healer full-length
SUN (Andi Haberl) I Can See Our House From Here full-length
Sun Araw Lifetime full-length
Sun Kit All The Patterns Inside full-length
Sunburned Hand of the Man Nimbus full-length
Sunfear All At Once full-length
Sunroof Electronic Music Improvisations Vol. 3 full-length
Sunroof Ensnare single/EP
Supplicate Skulk full-length
Surya Botofasina Ashram Sun full-length
Surya Botofasina, Nate Mercereau, Carlos Niño Subtle Movements full-length
Susan Alcorn In​-​Yu single/EP
Susanna Everyone Knows single/EP
Susanna Meditations on Love full-length
Susanna The Harmony of Evening single/EP
SUSS Birds & Beasts full-length
Sussan Deyhim & Richard Horowitz The Invisible Road: Original Recordings, 1985–1990 full-length
Susumu Yokota Acid Mt. Fuji (Remastered 30th Anniversary Edition) full-length
Sutcliffe No More Cute full-length
Sutcliffe No More House Of Dolls full-length
Suumhow 5ILTH full-length
SUUNS The Breaks full-length
Swans Live Rope full-length
Sylvain Chauveau Le livre noir du capitalisme full-length
Sylvain Chauveau ultra​-​minimal full-length
Sylvester Private Recordings full-length
T.ON meets Sarah Davachi at Kunst-Station Sankt Peter Köln full-length
Takkak Takkak Takkak Takkak full-length
Tape Loop Orchestra Magnetically Yours full-length
Tara Jane O'Neil The Cool Cloud of Okayness full-length
Tarwater Nuts of Ay full-length
tashi dorji we will be wherever the fires are lit full-length
Tashi Wada What Is Not Strange? full-length
TAU Chants full-length
Taylor Deupree Aer single/EP
Taylor Deupree Ash single/EP
Taylor Deupree Sti.ll full-length
Techno Animal The Brotherhood of the Bomb full-length
Tegu Forest Hills full-length
Tegu Owl Island full-length
Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld Christian & Mauro full-length
Teleplasmiste Of Nature & Electricity full-length
Temir Alcy Temir Alcy full-length
Terence Fixmer Skin against Skin / K2 single/EP
Terence Fixmer The Paradox In Me full-length
Terre Thaemlitz Tranquilizer EPs 1 - 3 boxed set
Terry Gross Huge Improvement full-length
Tess Parks Pomegranate full-length
Th Blisks Elixa full-length
Thaniel Ion Lee The Black Tape full-length
The Advisory Circle Mind How You Go (Revised) full-length
The Album Leaf Future Falling - The Remixes single/EP
The Album Leaf Slight Decline single/EP
The American Analog Set New Drifters boxed set
The Bevis Frond Focus On Nature full-length
The Black Dog Dreamless Sleep EP single/ep
The Black Dog Isolation single/ep
The Black Dog Other, Like Me full-length
The Black Dog Seclusion single/ep
The Black Dog Silenced full-length
The Black Dog Sleep Deprivation full-length
The Body and Dis Fig Orchards of a Futile Heaven full-length
The Bug Deep In a Mud single/EP
The Bug Machine full-length
The Bug Machine V single/EP
The Cat's Miaow Skipping Stones: The Cassette Years ‘92-’93 full-length
The Chameleons Where Are You? single/EP
The Children's Hour Going Home full-length
The Chronicles of Father Robin The Songs & Tales of Airoea full-length
The Concept Horse Public Detail full-length
The Cosmic Dead Infinite Peaks full-length
The Courettes The Soul Of The Fabulous Courettes full-length
The Creative Technology Consortium Panoramic Colorsound full-length
The Dengie Hundred with Gemma Blackshaw Who Will You Love full-length
The Drin Elude the Torch full-length
The Future Sound Of London Pulse Five full-length
The Gaslamp Killer & Jason Wool ANANDA full-length
The Ghostwriters Objects In Mirrors Are Closer Than They Appear full-length
The Green Kingdom Arcadian full-length
The Handover The Handover full-length
The Hologram People Isola Dei Morti Viventi full-length
The Holy Family Live Burning, Burning Live full-length
The Janitors An Error Has Occured full-length
The Jesus and Mary Chain Glasgow Eyes full-length
The Jesus and Mary Chain Pop Seeds single/EP
The Jesus Lizard Rack full-length
The KVB Tremors full-length
The Last Poets and Tony Allen Ft Egypt 80 Africanism full-length
The Legendary Pink Dots Chemical Playschool Volumes 23 & 24 full-length
The Legendary Pink Dots The Legendary Pink Hallowe’en Special 2024 single/EP
The Lord Worship: Bernard Herrmann Tribute full-length
The Magnetic Fields 69 Love Songs boxed set
The Manhattan Love Suicides Burnt Out Landscapes full-length
The March Violets Crocodile Promises full-length
The Mercury Impulse Records of Human Behavior full-length
The Modern Folk Electronic Ensemble MFEE 3 full-length
The Mystery Lights Purgatory full-length
The Names Far from the Factories single/EP
The Necks Bleed full-length
The Nighttime Ensemble The Nighttime Ensemble single/EP
The NRG Live In Japan full-length
The NRG Warehouse Justice! full-length
The Orb Orboretum (The Orb Collection) full-length
The Psychotic Monks Talking Through Repetition full-length
The Reds, Pinks & Purples My Toxic Friend single/EP
The Reds, Pinks & Purples The World Doesn't Need Another Band full-length
The Reds, Pinks & Purples This is Adult Art School full-length
The Reds, Pinks & Purples Unwishing Well full-length
The Rita The Alceste full-length
The Rope Nightbird full-length
The San Lucas Band La Voz de las Cumbes (The Music of Guatemala) full-length
The Shadow Ring The Shadow Ring (1992-2002) boxed set
The Smile Wall of Eyes full-length
The Sorcerers I Too Am A Stranger full-length
The Telescopes Editions full-length
The Telescopes Growing Eyes Becoming String full-length
The Telescopes Halo Moon full-length
The The Cognitive Dissident single/EP
The The Ensoulment full-length
The The Linoleum Smooth To The Stockinged Foot single/EP
The The Risin’ Above The Need / Where Do We Go When We Die? single/EP
The The Some Days I Drink My Coffee By The Grave Of William Blake single/EP
The Volume Settings Folder Belabour full-length
The Wickies The Wickies full-length
The Wolfgang Press A 2nd Shape full-length
The Woodentops Fruits of the Deep full-length
The Wyndham Research Institute Pale Phantoms: Approved extracts from mission archive Epsilon full-length
Thee Oh Sees Sorcs 80 Live full-length
Thee U.F.O. Surveyor single/EP
Theodor Kentros Trystero full-length
They Die Black Magic full-length
Thief Bleed, Memory full-length
thisquietarmy Les estampes full-length
Thomas Bush The Next 60 Years full-length
Thomas Fleischhauer Aporee Illustrations full-length
Thou Umbilical full-length
Three Quarter Skies Fade In full-length
Throbbing Gristle TG Berlin boxed set
Throbbing Gristle TGCD1 full-length
Throbbing Gristle The Last Single single/EP
Throbbing Gristle The Third Mind Movements full-length
Throwing Muses Drugstore Drastic single/EP
Thurston Moore Flow Critical Lucidity full-length
Tidiane Thiam Africa Yontii full-length
Tim Koh / Sun An Salt And Sugar Look The Same full-length
TKB Xcanoe full-length
Tod Dockstander Aerial 2 full-length
Tolouse Low Trax Fung Day full-length
Tolouse Low Trax Kiosque Versions full-length
Tomato Flower No full-length
Tomo Vielle​-​Electronica full-length
Tongue Depressor From The Crypt full-length
Tongue Depressor and Austin Larkin Landau Bar full-length
Tony Conrad & Jennifer Walshe In the Merry Month of May full-length
Topographies Interior Spring full-length
Torn Hawk Trustfall full-length
Toshiji Mikawa Encounter When Pigs Fly full-length
Total Blue Total Blue full-length
Trance Plantations Behind Your Face full-length
Träume Wrzask full-length
Trees Speak TimeFold full-length
Trelldom ...By the Shadows... full-length
Tremble With Joy Born Trembling full-length
Tristan Arp a pool, a portal full-length
Tristwch y Fenywod Tristwch y Fenywod full-length
Troller Today single/EP
Tryphème Odd Balade full-length
Tsunami Loud As Is boxed set
Tujiko Noriko From Tokyo To Naiagara full-length
Ty Segall Love Rudiments full-length
Ty Segall Three Bells full-length
Ueno Takashi ARMS full-length
Ufomammut Hidden full-length
Ulaan Janthina The Sea Surrounding full-length
Ulla & Perila Jazz Plates full-length
Ulla & Ultrafog It Means A Lot full-length
Ultisol Precession of the Equinox full-length
Ulver Grieghallen 20180528 full-length
Ulver Liminal Animals full-length
Umberto Black Bile full-length
Underworld Strawberry Hotel full-length
Unglee Izi MUSIQUE de L'A.S.M.A._CHRONOS de TELEHOR et SPACE MODULATOR_Plan I, II, III, IV full-length
Uniform American Standard full-length
Uniform Nightmare City full-length
Unstern Es Geht Der Tag full-length
Unwound A Single History 1991-2001 full-length
upsammy Strange Meridians full-length
Upupayama Mount Elephant full-length
Vanishing Shelter of the Opaque full-length
Vanishing Twin Life Drummer single/EP
Vanishing Twin Tell Me Not Here single/EP
Veelargo Monoliths And Greetings full-length
Velvet Recollection full-length
Velvet Romance full-length
Venediktos Tempelboom Syne Vuyle Hoeck full-length
Vicious Pink Unexpected full-length
Violence Gratuite Baleine à Boss full-length
Voice Actor & Squu Barbara single/EP
Voice of Eye Falling full-length
Von Schommer dc15 full-length
Von Spar & Eiko Ishibashi Album I full-length
Von Spar & Eiko Ishibashi Album II full-length
Vril Saturn Is A Supercomputer full-length
Wadada Leo Smith Masnavi: A Sonic Meditation and Reflections on Light single/EP
Wakuénai (Curripaco) Music for Shape​-​Shifters: Field Recordings from the Amazonian Lowlands, 1981​-​1985 full-length
WALLOFTAROT Eternal Kiss full-length
WALLOFTAROT Other Such Incantations full-length
Wand Help Desk single/EP
Wand Vertigo full-length
Warm Currency Petals full-length
Warren Burt Mr Burt His Memory of Mr White His Fantasy on Mr Dunstable His Musick full-length
Water Damage In E full-length
Water Damage Reel LE single/EP
We are Winter's Blue and Radiant Children No More Apocalypse Father full-length
Weak Signal Fine full-length
Wendy Eisenberg Viewfinder full-length
Werkbund Skalpafloi full-length
Weston Olencki I Went to the Dance (feat. Jules Reidy) single/EP
White Hills Beyond This Fiction full-length
White Hills Live in Berlin full-length
White Poppy Ataraxia full-length
WHITE+ II full-length
Whitelands Night-bound Eyes Are Blind To The Day full-length
Whitey Mental Radio full-length
Whitey Nothing In My Pocket But a Hole full-length
Whitney Johnson Hav full-length
Will Long/DJ Sprinkles Acid Trax full-length
William Basinski September 23rd full-length
William Doyle Springs Eternal full-length
William Ryan Fritch Adhesion full-length
William Tyler Future Myths full-length
Windy & Carl Consciousness full-length
Windy & Carl Heavy Early & The Creation of Venus full-length
Windy & Carl Live At 'Under The Couch' Atlanta GA, November 18th 1997 full-length
Windy & Carl Live At Community School Of Music And Arts * Ithaca, NY April 24th 2009 full-length
Winged Wheel Big Hotel full-length
Wrecked Lightship Antiposition full-length
Wu-Lu Learning To Swim On Empty full-length
Wussy Cincinnati, Ohio full-length
X Smoke & Fiction full-length
Xiu Xiu 13″ Frank Beltrame Italian Stiletto With Bison Horn Grips full-length
Xmal Deutschland Early Singles (1981-1982) full-length
Xylitol Anemones full-length
YAI Sky Time full-length
Yann Novak The Voices of Theseus full-length
Yasmin Williams Acadia full-length
YATTA Palm Wine full-length
Yellow Swans Out Of Practice I full-length
Yellow Swans Out Of Practice II full-length
Yimino Twmpa full-length
YĪN YĪN Mount Matsu full-length
YOBS YOBS full-length
Yoo Doo Right From the Heights of Our Pastureland full-length
Yu-Ching Huang The Crystal Hum full-length
Yui Onodera 1982 full-length
Yunx Imagine The Future full-length
Yunx The World Inside Out full-length
Yves Klein Symphonie "Monoton-Silence" full-length
Yvette Janine Jackson Festina Lente single/EP
Zachary James Watkins Affirmative Action full-length
Zachary Paul Calendar full-length
Zahnfleisch Reunion de Famille full-length
Zaliva-D 萬物枯萎 Total Withered full-length
Zdehvedo Gob Saturday Daily full-length
Zelienople Everything Is Simple full-length
Zola Jesus Plyve Kacha single/EP
[V/A] 2023 - 2003 = 20 Years Of 4mg Records full-length
[V/A] Across the Horizon Vol​.​1 full-length
[V/A] Arthur Russell's Italian Pop Singles Collection full-length
[V/A] Ayo Ke Disco: Boogie, Pop & Funk from the South China Sea (1974-88) full-length
[V/A] Back Up Dos: Mexican Tecno Pop 1980-1989 full-length
[V/A] Bliss Out For Days full-length
[V/A] Breaker's Revenge (Original B-Boy & B-Girl Breakdance Classics 1970-84) full-length
[V/A] Celebrate Yourself! The Sonic Cathedral Story 2004-2024 boxed set
[V/A] Ceremonial County Series full-length
[V/A] Congo Funk! - Sound Madness From The Shores Of The Mighty Congo River (Kinshasa​/​Brazzaville 1969​-​1982) full-length
[V/A] Cosmic American Music: Motel California full-length
[V/A] Cut UP. Deconstructing W.S. Burroughs full-length
[V/A] Deep Entries : Gay Electronic Excursions 1979-1985 full-length
[V/A] Down Beat Special full-length
[V/A] Eccentric Soul: Minibus full-length
[V/A] Eccentric Soul: The Cuca Label full-length
[V/A] Eccentric Soul: The Tragar & Note Labels full-length
[V/A] Electro Throwdown full-length
[V/A] Even The Forest Hums: Ukrainian Sonic Archives 1971-1996 full-length
[V/A] Flux Gourmet Original Motion Picture Soundtrack full-length
[V/A] Fluxus & NeoFluxus / Keep Together (Part 2) full-length
[V/A] Funk.BR São Paulo full-length
[V/A] Future Sounds of Kraut Volume II full-length
[V/A] Future Transmissions: Meat Beat Manifesto full-length
[V/A] Ghana Special 2: Electronic Highlife & Afro Sounds In The Diaspora, 1980-93 full-length
[V/A] Harkening Critters boxed set
[V/A] Haunted Presence full-length
[V/A] Herdersmat part 41​-​44 full-length
[V/A] In The Beginning There Was Rhythm full-length
[V/A] Juyungo - Afro-Indigenous Music From The North-Western Andes full-length
[V/A] Kampire Presents: A Dancefloor in Ndola full-length
[V/A] Kiosque d’Orphée: Une épopée de l’autoproduction en France full-length
[V/A] Liberty And Justice / Soft Kill single/EP
[V/A] Life in Heaven is Free - Checker Gospel 1961 - 1973 full-length
[V/A] Lost Paradise: Blissed Out 
Breakbeat Hardcore 1991-94 full-length
[V/A] Making Records: Home Recordings c. 1890​-​1920 full-length
[V/A] Miami Sound 2 (More Funk & Soul From Miami, Florida 1967-1974) full-length
[V/A] Nigeria Special Volume 3: Electronic Innovation Meets Culture And Tradition 1978-93 full-length
[V/A] Nippon Acid Folk 1970-1980 full-length
[V/A] Nippon Psychedelic Soul 1970​-​1979 full-length
[V/A] Noise of Cologne 3 full-length
[V/A] Our Star Is A Fleeting Image full-length
[V/A] Outer Spaceways Incorporated : Kronos Quartet & Friends Meet Sun Ra full-length
[V/A] Pale Shades Of Grey: Heavy Psychedelic Ballads and Dirges 1969​-​1976 full-length
[V/A] Panorama full-length
[V/A] Premonitions: Underground Cassette Network 1989​-​90 full-length
[V/A] Purple Snow: Forecasting The Minneapolis Sound boxed set
[V/A] Retrospective - A Monday Night in Middlesbrough full-length
[V/A] Rock Rendez Vous: Música Moderna Portuguesa 1985-1986 full-length
[V/A] Sarha (a "Women with Gaza" benefit compilation) full-length
[V/A] Seventh Cloud & Velvet single/EP
[V/A] Shanghai'd Soul Episode 12 full-length
[V/A] Soft Summer Breezes full-length
[V/A] Someone Like Me full-length
[V/A] Soon I'll Run Out of Air full-length
[V/A] Studio One Power Mix! full-length
[V/A] Subliminal Skull Palace, Vol. 5 full-length
[V/A] Super Disco Pirata - De Tepito Para El Mundo 1965-1980 (Analog Africa No.39) full-length
[V/A] The Crying Princess: 78 rpm Records From Burma full-length
[V/A] The K&D Sessions™ boxed set
[V/A] The Past Is a Wound in My Heart full-length
[V/A] The Voice of Love full-length
[V/A] Together Forever: Forever 1 - 4 full-length
[V/A] Tokyo Riddim 1976​-​1985 full-length
[V/A] Tokyo Riddim Vol. 2 1979​-​1986 full-length
[V/A] Tr​á​nsitos S​ó​nicos - M​ú​sica electr​ó​nica y para cinta de compositores peruanos (1964​-​1984) full-length
[V/A] TRAИƧA boxed set
[V/A] Two Two Seven full-length
[V/A] Under the Island - Experimental Music in Ireland 1960-1994 full-length
[V/A] Venus Rising From The Sea full-length
[V/A] Virtual Dreams II: Ambient Explorations In The House & Techno Age, Japan 1993​-​1999 full-length
[V/A] Why Don't You Smile Now: Lou Reed At Pickwick Records 1964–65) full-length
[V/A] Women In Turkish Electronic Music full-length
[V/A] You Can Be A Star! - Deep Disco & Crossover 70s Soul from the Now​-​Again & Soul​-​Cal Vaults, 1972​-​1982 full-length
[V/A] ЗЕРНО/ GRAIN full-length

Review The Album of the Year Winners Circle:
2023: Tim Hecker, "No Highs" (Kranky)
2022: Oren Ambarchi, "Shebang" (Drag City)
2021: Grouper, "Shade" (Kranky)
2020: Cabaret Voltaire, "Shadow of Fear" (Mute)
2019: Swans, "Leaving Meaning" (Young God)
2018: Low, "Double Negative" (Sub Pop)
2017: Slowdive, "Slowdive" (Dead Oceans)
2016: Swans, "The Glowing Man" (Young God)
2015: Carter Tutti Void, "f(x)" (Industrial)
2014: Swans, "To Be Kind" (Young God)
2013: Tim Hecker, "Virgins" (Kranky)
2012: Swans, "The Seer" (Young God)
2011: Tim Hecker, "Ravedeath, 1972" (Kranky)
2010: Swans, "My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope to the Sky" (Young God)
2009: Sunn O))), "Monoliths & Dimensions" (Southern Lord)
2008: Matmos, "Supreme Balloon" (Matador)
2007: Stars of the Lid, "And Their Refinement of the Decline" (Kranky)
2006: Current 93, "Black Ships Ate The Sky" (Durtro/Jnana)
2005: Coil, "The Ape of Naples" (Threshold House)
2004: Fennesz, "Venice" (Mego)
2003: Mogwai, "Happy Songs For Happy People" (Matador)
2002: Godspeed You! Black Emperor, "Yanqui U.X.O." (Constellation)
2001: Low, "Things We Lost in the Fire" (Kranky)
2000: godspeed you black emperor!, "Lift Yr Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven" (Kranky)
1999: Coil, "Musick to Play in the Dark volume 1" (Chalice)
1998: Tortoise, "TNT" (Thrill Jockey) [original] Coil, "Time Machines" (Eskaton) [recount]
1997: Godspeed You Black Emperor!, "F# A# ∞"
1996: Swans, "Soundtracks for the Blind" (Young God)